Nominations for the Liberal Democrats’ Blog of the Year Awards 2010 closed on 27 August. Since then, the judges Prateek Buch, Jonathan Calder, Lee Chalmers, Ryan Cullen, Helen Duffett (that’s me), Costigan Quist, Mary Reid, Jo Swinson and Andy Williamson have been poring over the entries for the six categories.
It’s been a big task, and a fun one, to distil so many excellent examples of Lib Dem blogging and e-campaigning into lists of the five best.
Congratulations if you’ve been shortlisted, but if you haven’t: remember that the shortlists are based on the judges’ subjective opinions. The awards are intended to be a fun way to celebrate the talent in the Lib Dem blogosphere, whilst introducing you to some blogs you might not have read before.
First, a reminder that the winner of the Best non-Liberal Democrat politics blog category will be decided by a public vote here on Liberal Democrat Voice, so please have a read of the nominated blogs and then head on over to the sidebar to cast your vote.
Next, a plug for the awards ceremony itself. If you’re coming to party conference in Liverpool, do come along to Grace Suite 1 at the Hilton Liverpool from 9.45pm on Saturday 18th September.
Now, without further ado, here are the shortlists: (Drumroll, please)
Best new Liberal Democrat blog (started since 1st September 2009)
Jeremy Rowe
Libdem Child by Maelo Manning
Nick Thornsby’s Blog
Spiderplant Land by Lisa Harding
Virtually Naked by Charlotte Henry
Best blog from a Liberal Democrat holding public office (The Tim Garden Award)
A Lanson Boy by Alex Folkes
Anders Hanson
Birkdale Focus
Liberal Bureaucracy by Mark Valladares
Lynne Featherstone MP
Best use of blogging/social networking/e-campaigning by a Liberal Democrat
Bridget Fox for her challenge to the Digital Economy Bill
Daisy Benson for Daisy’s Campaign Diary
Nick Barlow (with Justin McKeating) for the hashtag: #nickcleggsfault
Simon McGrath for the Facebook group Vote Clegg, Get Clegg
Tamora Langley for her online campaigns as 2010 Parliamentary Candidate for Lewisham Deptford
Best posting on a Liberal Democrat blog (since 1st September 2009)
An Open Letter To The Labour Party by Andrew Hickey
Considering the Evidence Means You Must Consider Your Position by Alex Wilcock
Day 3401: Memo to the Labour Party – We Hate You Too by Millennium Elephant
Keeping my child safe – an over-anxious mum writes by Caron Lindsay
Ten reasons why, if you’re considering voting Labour, you should think again by Liz Williams
Best non-Liberal Democrat politics blog
And Another Thing by Tom Harris MP
Left Foot Forward
Mid-Wife Crisis by Molly Bennett
Penny Red by Laurie Penny
The Charlotte Gore Blog
Liberal Democrat Blog of the Year 2010
Caron’s Musings by Caron Lindsay
Lynne Featherstone MP
Mark Reckons by Mark Thompson
The Very Fluffy Diary of Millennium Dome, Elephant
Politicomaniac by Joe Jordan
Those are the shortlists – find out the winners on Saturday. In the meantime, vote now for the best non-Liberal Democrat politics blog: the poll’s in the sidebar to the right of this post.
Some great choices there! Yay!
Anyway, since the poll does not appear to be live yet:
– Best new Liberal Democrat blog: Spiderplant Land by Lisa Harding or Virtually Naked by Charlotte Henry would both be worthy winners.
– Best blog from a Liberal Democrat holding public office: with the greatest of respect to all the others, it has to be Lady Mark.
– Best use of blogging/social networking/e-campaigning by a Liberal Democrat: BRIDGET! BRIDGET!
– Best posting on a Liberal Democrat blog: I would not like to have to choose between those five. They are all brilliant
– Best non-Liberal Democrat politics blog: Penny Red. Please not Tom Harris. PLEASE. And Charlotte already has a BOTY.
– Liberal Democrat Blog of the Year 2010: if I was picking the best blog, it would be Caron, or Millennium. But, with due consideration to The Curse,
Captain ObviousMark Reckons has already stopped blogging, so it doesn’t matter if you give it to him. I reckon he’s your guy. Even if he is a middle class straight white bloke.Just when I think I’m out… you pull me back in again!
So for the curse of the BOTYs to continue, does it mean I have to quit hashtagging tweets should I win?
And if I knew I was going to be nominated, I’d have arranged to go to Conference!
Nick: as far as I am aware, The Curse has a lesser effect on people who win awards other than The Big Boty.
Just when I think I’m out… you pull me back in again!
Welcome to Royston Vasey^W^W LDV Charlotte. YOU’LL NEVER LEAVE!! 🙂
FWIW my choices are as follows;
Lisa H
Wow. It’d be an honour to even be nominated, but up against that list…those are some of my favourite posts by some of my favourite bloggers.
I just want to say, given that a lot of people voting will be friends of mine, that I will *not* be offended by anyone choosing one of the others, and think I deserve to come fifth…
I think the buttons available should say 2010. RYAAAN!
Thanks vet much for shortlisting my FB page
Ignore last comment – was under the impression (as it seems were some others) that all votes were public, not just non-LD.
Well what can I say other than a massive thank you both to the panel and the commentators above! When I started the blog last year I never thought that I would end up with a nomination for Best New LibDem Blog so thanks to all the judges for deeming my humble tome worthy!
Thankyou from the bottom of my heart to Libdem Voice and those who voted for me. I am very grateful, humbled and thrilled to have been shortlisted. To have got this far is a great honour for me. I set up my blog to share my political views and never expected to be this successful. Thank you for taking me seriously and not treating me like a child who doesn’t know anything. Liberal Democrats are truly an inclusive and amazing group of people.
I forgot to add that I will be at Conference and at the ceremony on Saturday. I can’t wait.
It has to be Charlotte for the Non-Liberal Democrats. It would irritate her so much. It’s worth it just for the amusement.
The only other category where one’s jumping out is Best Post: Liz Williams’ “Ten Reasons Why” is a clear winner for me.