Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #37

Welcome to the 37th of our weekly round-ups from the Lib Dem blogosphere, featuring the seven most popular stories according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (28th October – 3rd November), together with a hand-picked quintet you might otherwise have missed.

No need to hust here – so let’s get straight down to it, in descending order of popularity:

1. Farewell on Matt Davies’s blog.
We all love a good, old-fashioned defection story, it seems.

2. Huhne’s Trident Policy Collapses on Jeremy Hargreaves’ blog.
You decide.

3. 55 more party members back Clegg… on Jeremy Hargreaves’ blog.
To ensure fairness, I must point out that at least the same number are backing Chris Huhne too.

4. The real test for Huhne’s “left” credentials…………. on Linda Jack’s Lindyloo’s Muze blog.
It’s just possible this was a test Linda had an inkling Nick Clegg would pass.

5. Those James Graham ratings MUST NOT be compared on Paul Walter’s Liberal Burblings blog.
An example of why Vince has campaigned for so long for the Office of National Statistics to be made independent.

6. Good moves by Clegg on Anthony Hook’s blog.
Reasons to be cheerful (if you’re for Nick).

7. Chris Huhne bests Nick Clegg on Paul Walter’s Liberal Burblings blog.
Reasons to be cheerful (if you’re for Chris).

Here’s another five which are well worth reading (if you haven’t already) – and all guaranteed leadership-free:

8. British jobs for British workers?
on Tom Papworth’s Liberal Polemic blog.
“The problem in the UK is not too many foreign workers; it is too many British people who are not willing to take the jobs that are available.”

9. Government’s death sentence for Iraqi employees: a first-hand account on Lynne Featherstone’s Parliament and Haringey Diary.
Well worth reading in full.

10. Here’s an Idea: Free Membership on Charlotte Gore’s blog.
With an interesting comments thread – well worth a scan – which suggests it costs Cowley Street £14 to service each member. Now that’s a bargain.

11. Day 2494: Vince Versus the King
on Millennium Dome, Elephant’s Very Fluffy Diary blog.
“Well done to Mr Power Cable for turning down a slap up banquet in honour of King of the Sauds, King Ablutions.”

12. Could the National Trust become a political party? on David Boyle’s The Real Blog.
A warm welcome to the Lib Dem blogosphere for David. Here he argues for a tough liberal response to the housing crisis so “maybe we won’t have to canvass against National Trust candidates in the future.”

And that’s it for another week (ish). Til next time, happy blogging…

* Stephen Tall is not blogging at A Liberal Goes A Long Way til after 17th December.

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