Tag Archives: gosport

And in other news…

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Another Tory airbrushing story

It seems Conservative politicians can’t stop being airbrushed – always without their knowledge of course.

The Mail has the story of Caroline Dinenage, Conservative candidate for Gosport:

The digital makeover was initially denied by Miss Dinenage, who hopes to replace outgoing MP Sir Peter Viggers – notorious for his duck island expenses claim. ‘By virtue of the fact it’s so big it’s slightly pixelated,’ she insisted. ‘It does look different but it’s not airbrushed.’

But her assistant Glenn Duggan admitted the image had been changed without her knowledge, adding: ‘It has been done to make it more visually attractive for a billboard.

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Peter Chegwyn wins High Court appeal against Standards Board

Last summer we reported that Peter Chegwyn, Lib Dem leader on Gosport Council, had been banned from being a councillor on both Gosport Council and Hampshire County Council for two years in a dispute over a local music festival.

However, Peter Chegwyn has taken that Standards Board ruling to the Hight Court and this week won a significant set of victories. The two-year disqualification from Hampshire County Council was quashed completely. The two-year disqualification from Gosport Borough Council was quashed and replaced by a two-month suspension, and the Judge ordered the Standards Board for England to pay Peter Chegwyn’s full costs.

The Judge …

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Gosport Tory candidate: unattractive women need not apply

The Chairman of Gosport Conservative Association is the latest to show the party’s true colours by making sexist comments in an interview for Channel 4 News.

Alan Scard is overseeing the selection of a Parliamentary candidate for Gosport, to replace Peter Viggers MP who is standing down after claiming £1645 on his expenses for a duck house.

When asked whether he would support David Cameron’s appeal for more women in Parliament, Mr Scard said,

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Gosport Lib Dem leader banned from council for two years

Lib Dem Voice reported last week that Peter Chegwyn, Lib Dem leader on Gosport Council in Hampshire, would this week be facing a standards board tribunal following allegations he used a council vote to protect his music festival. Portsmouth.co.uk reports the result:

Controversial Gosport politician Peter Chegwyn has been banned from being a councillor for two years.

The Lib Dem group leader was ruled to have breached the councillors’ code of conduct after he voted to block a motion relating to his Stokes Bay Festival last year. …

Cllr Chegwyn, who has been a councillor for 26 years, said: ‘I will

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