Tag Archives: introducing

Introducing…Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine

The Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine exists to fight for the rights of the Palestinian People through the medium of the Liberal Democrat Party. The party’s core values of liberalism, internationalism and support for the indivisibility of human rights and the rule of law make it the natural home in mainstream British politics for those determined to support the Palestinian call for recognition of their own State, for justice and their entitlements under international law.

Prior to 2010 the Party was recognised as the only one of the three main parties that could be relied upon to support Palestinian rights …

Posted in Lib Dem organisations | Also tagged | 9 Comments

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  • Nonconformistradical
    "Far better to insulate houses." Indeed - from the viewpoint of the individual consumer. But the suppliers aren't going to tell you that....
  • Jenny Barnes
    here's one https://www.iisd.org/articles/deep-dive/why-carbon-capture-storage-cost-remains-high#:~:text=This%20is%20a%20key%20reason,the%20costs%20of%20actual%...
  • Mick Taylor
    @JennyBarnes. I do not at this stage disagree with you but I would welcome pointers to where your information can be explained....
  • Mark Frankel
    A painful reminder of the damage done to Britain's power and prestige by Brexit....
  • SteveTrevethan
    What might be the effects of these spreading, unkind conflicts on the arms industries and their share prices?...