Tag Archives: motions

Amendment watch: preparing the ground for Conference debates in Glasgow

The deadline for amendments to Conference motions is  1 pm next Monday, 2nd September. This means that, all over the country, people will be emailing all their contacts trying to drum up support for their particular amendment. This can be quite a difficult process. So, I thought, why doesn’t Liberal Democrat Voice try and make it a bit smoother?

I have asked about in various places for details of proposed amendments going round and I’ll give details of them further down. If you want to highlight one that you are working on, please post details in the comments. We’ll need to …

Posted in Conference and News | Also tagged and | 8 Comments

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  • Simon R
    @Michael. Asking a single person to work 7.94 hours a week (if they are able) in order to earn the money they are being given by the state doesn't seem very on...
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    For deep poverty rates by family type see JRF Poverty 2024 Report p 147 https://www.jrf.org.uk/uk-poverty-2024-the-essential-guide-to-understanding-poverty-in-t...
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  • David Warren
    I am not surprised you had unfilled places given the cost of attending. This really needs looking at so those of us on low incomes are not excluded....