22 February 2019 – today’s press release plus a late breaking bonus…

Getting back on track, this should bring us up to date. One feature of the work of the Press Team is press releases that are embargoed until 00:01 the next day. here at Liberal Democrat Voice, we respect the embargo guidance because we understand the rules. However, there is nothing stopping us from publishing the press release as soon as possible after that time. So, the second of today’s press releases was embargoed until one minute ago. Enjoy…

Lib Dems: McDonnell must follow warm words with action

Responding to comments made by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell that Labour are moving towards backing an amendment that would facilitate a people’s vote, Liberal Democrat Brexit Spokesperson Tom Brake MP said:

Liberal Democrats have been leading the fight to give the people the final say on the Brexit deal for over two years and we welcome those from any party or none who join us in this fight.

McDonnell’s comments are promising but they must be followed up with genuine action. Liberal Democrat MPs will be looking for the Labour party in the division lobbies next week. For too long now Corbyn and his frontbench have been handmaids to May’s catastrophic Brexit plans.

It is time they stood with us in calling for an end to the Brexit mess and the impasse in Parliament. It’s time for a people’s vote with the option to stay in the EU.

Cable: Lib Dems aim to give MPs a chance to back a people’s vote

Speaking ahead of his speech to the Scottish Liberal Democrat spring conference in Hamilton on Saturday 23rd February, Liberal Democrat Leader Vince Cable has announced he will this week seek cross-party support for an amendment in the House of Commons calling for a People’s Vote.

Vince Cable said:

For months, I have been speaking with many of these now independent MPs. We have much in common. For the good of our country, we will cooperate on areas of shared values, not least stopping Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn’s chaotic and damaging Brexit.

That is why I can announce Liberal Democrats will once again this week seek to secure cross-party support for an amendment in the House of Commons calling for a People’s Vote, with the option to stay in the EU.

We cannot let Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn conspire to run down the clock. Liberal Democrats have led the campaign for a People’s Vote. We have campaigned for it, we have marched for it and we will vote for it.

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  • Does Vince’s latest statement actually mean that our 11 Lib Dem MPs, as well as the so-called TIG 11 (with whom he is apparently in constant dialogue), will all be supporting and voting for the cross-party People’s Vote amendment to be proposed by Labour backbenchers Peter Kyle and Phil Wilson? (And does anyone know how Stephen Lloyd intends to vote?) It would be helpful if our press releases could occasionally prioritise clarity and accuracy of information over political spin.

  • Richard Underhill 23rd Feb '19 - 12:20pm

    Vince Cable has also been quoted on BBC tv as agreeing with the three Cabinet Ministers who are standing up to the PM about NO DEAL (article Daily Mail 23/2/2019).
    Vince Cable blamed the PM for damage that the current instability is doing to the country, in terms of jobs, the economy and political stability.

  • Richard Underhill 23rd Feb '19 - 12:38pm

    Sean Hagan 23rd Feb ’19 – 10:43am:
    Peter Kyle MP was interviewed at length on BBC tv Politics Live on 22/2/2019.
    His proposed amendment falls well short of what we need in that
    it does NOT provide for another referendum with the OPTION TO REMAIN.
    The current deal is better than anything else proposed.

  • Has anyone on LDV actually seen the draft text of the proposed Kyle-Wilson amendment? It now seems that the proposers are in active discussions with the Labour leadership about this potential route forward, but it is unlikely that it will be put to a vote in the HofC debate next Wednesday (27 Feb) – more likely at the next “meaningful vote” on the Govt ‘s revised deal, possibly in mid-March … or sometime never!

    Meanwhile, TIG MPs are apparently meeting on Monday to discuss whether they wish to propose their own People’s Vote amendment – or to support any other cross-party amendments. I therefore trust that Vince & Co are keeping up with all these developments and coordinating their efforts with TIG and other MPs who also want an exit from Brexit – so hope that next Wednesday’s votes are not yet another wasted opportunity to provide a possible end to the current chaos.

  • I am still waiting for a press release about how the party is putting forward arguments about why people should be enthusiastic acbout staying in the European Union. That there is more to being part of an international organisation that is democtatic, with nations working with each other. A organisation in which other European countries want us to play a leading part. And one that when we leave we will be giving up control of our own country.

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