PMQs today – Ming Campbell questioned Blair about the blocking of prosecutions for corruption over the Al Yamamah arms deal with Saudi Arabia, and as for the Tories – silent yet again on the issue.
It’s clearly a very sore point for Blair (you can tell how rattled he is by how rude he is in response) yet once again the so-called “Official Opposition” have run a mile from the issue. Could it be because they have rather more connections with Saudi arms deals and money than they would rather we knew … ?
Note: the Liberal Democrats haveĀ a blog dedicated to Al Yamamah and related issues:
Why when you click on Gordon Greige’s name does it direct you to Suz Blog?
I don’t think these trolls know how to control themselves – especially after they’ve had a few.
Remember the late Alan Clark MP: “I don’t particularly care which bunch of foreigners is killing which other bunch of foreigners.” And that was a defence of the arms trade, please note.
No, as long as a handful of rich people grow richer, and a few million Third World sub-racials get wiped off the planet, everything is wonderful in Troll House.
See how aristocratic notions of social and racial hierarchy get passed down to the courtiers?
Wannabes like Gordon Greige might like to think that Cameron and Osborne respect them. Don’t be deceived. Look again at Clark’s dictum and substitute “grammar school oik” for “foreigner”.
There was a picutre of George “Hang Nelson Mandela” Osborne in one of the papers yesterday. The look said it all. “I’m a rich Old Etonian toff. You lot are smelly, proletarian scum.”
Ming is correct to pursue this – it is not a foreign affair – it is a domestic one of great import.
Blair has subverted the rule of law for short-term gain, but how can business have confidence in a country where the rulers exercise arbitrary power?
It is an issue of yet more erosion of the rule of law and the basis for a free society in this country.
I notice some praise in the Telegraph for Ming:
Ming is the dignified one in a House of very common types
i just hope that everyone in the defence industry remembers what u lot did and does not vote for you. u r a national disgrace. why not ask what Lockheed martin or Boeing did in Saudi
Hello, Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr Smithers. Do you by any chance know g arkwright?