Welcome to the latest in our series giving the human face behind some of the blogs you can find on the Liberal Democrat Blogs aggregator.
Today it is Alex Folkes, who blogs at lansonboy.blogspot.com.
1. What’s your formative political memory?
My first memory was a mock election at my primary school during the 1979 general election when I was one of about four people to vote Liberal. My most abiding memory is of David Penhaligon driving me home after a party fundraising event in about 1983. I only lived about 100 yards from the venue but he insisted on driving a group of youngsters to their various homes and dropped me off last. During the half hour or so that it took we had a great chat about all things political and he became my political hero.
2. When did you start blogging?
I had a couple of abortive attempts but started properly in February 2008.
3. Why did you start blogging?
I wanted to write about a combination of local and national politics as well as my own interests of football, rugby and horse racing. I also thought it would be a good way of getting across to a range of people who don’t read leaflets pushed through their doors and I had it in mind to stand for election to Cornwall Council (the election took place in June 2009). Since then the local politics has taken over and it’s regrettably rare I write about much else.
4. What five words would you use to describe your blog?
Robust, local, argumentative, frequent, did I mention local?
5. What five words would you use to describe your political views?
See above.
6. Which post have you most liked writing in the last year (and why)?
Probably the one about our council leader drinking in Downing Street on a Monday evening and then saying he had flu the next day when we had a full council. All brought about because I spotted him in the background of a photo on ConHome.
7. Which post have you most liked reading in the last year (and why)?
I’m terrible about not reading very many other blogs, particularly those by fellow Lib Dems. But I like reading a good rant – particularly if it’s one attacking Ryanair.
8. What’s your favourite YouTube clip?
One of my two favourites is this one of Lloyd Cole and the Commotions. It’s Jimmy Carr, isn’t it?
My other favourite is this spoof Aussie advert for the Greens. The original it is taking the mickey out of is here.
9. Which bloggers, writers or thinkers inspire you?
As I said before, I’m terrible about reading other people’s blogs, but will usually read something by Millennium or Dr Pack on electoral law (that’s the anorak in me). Outside the liberal firmament, I read Paul Waugh, Political Betting and the blog of my local BBC reporter, Graham Smith.
10. Give us a surprising fact about yourself:
Everyone assumes that because I blog I must be techno-savvy. I’m absolutely terrible with anything with wires.
You can see all our posts featuring Liberal Democrat bloggers here.
Sorry, I know this is off topic – but does anyone know where I can get the actual final wording of the Lib Dem health motion from conference. The one up on the website is quite confusing because it is hard to tell what was proposed and what has been changed (and accepted by Clegg). Any help gratefully recieved…
Sorry that this isnt on topic!
John – Caron Lindsay posted a consolidated version on her blog – the main page is