Brent Central’s Ibrahim Taguri appointed as Liberal Democrat Race Equality Champion

Ibrahim Taguri selected for Brent Central
Ibrahim Taguri was born and raised in Brent not far from the office he wants to take over from Sarah Teather in May. Last Summer he wrote of his ambition for the area:

Yet I was lucky. My mother was single minded when it came to our education as children. That was our route out of poverty. I was also lucky in many ways, so when I had opportunities I was able to make the most of them. That’s why when Sarah Teather announced she was standing down as MP, I knew I had to take the opportunity to represent my community. My job as an MP will be to challenge those structural barriers that prevent people getting on in life as well as to support the most vulnerable in our society on a day to day basis, helping them to escape a cycle of despair.

That’s why, if I’m fortunate enough to be elected, I will be dedicating my first term in parliament to eradicating child poverty in the UK by 2020. A goal set out but the last administration and continued by the coalition. Yet the target is in serious danger of being missed as political parties continue to embroil themselves in blame games and semantics.

I believe that focusing on this issue we can tackle many of the great challenges of our time; improving life chances no matter where someone was born, integrating physical and mental health services; increasing housing stock to not uproot families; providing more educational opportunities and making work pay.

He’s now been appointed by Nick Clegg as the party’s Race Equality Champion. This means that he’ll be charge of engaging with all communities and that the manifesto is fit for a diverse Britain.

He said of his appointment:

I’m glad to be given such an important role at a vital time for the country when the politics of extremism and division are on the rise.

I intend to work closely with all communities in order to promote cohesion, social justice and equality of opportunity so everyone has the opportunity to get on in life, regardless of their background.

As the most diverse constituency in the country, Brent Central represents the very best of what it means to be British.

And yet many here still feel that their voices aren’t heard. This role demonstrates a serious commitment to making our political process more inclusive and responsive to those voices.

This is an opportunity to address the monumental challenges we face in Brent and beyond, from eradicating child poverty, to improving education and attainment for young people, to creating fulfilling jobs.


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  • Jayne Mansfield 23rd Jan '15 - 8:44am

    It’s a big challenge Ibrahim, but having read your posts on here, I am sure that it is one that you will meet.

    Good luck on the next step of your journey.

  • Rabi Martins 23rd Jan '15 - 12:44pm

    I am delighted Nick Clegg has finally listened to those of us who have been saying for a long time that the Party needs to demonstrate that it accepts Racial Discrimination continues to be a mature problem in the country and that we will address the issue in our manifesto for the coming election

    Ibrahim Taguri’s appointment as our Race Equality Champion is a very good start We now have a high profile BME Parliamentary Candidate from one of our key seats who will work with the leadership and campaigns department to sell our Race Equality message to the country

    But it can only be the start. The real proof of the Party’s long term commitment and intentions will only come if Ibrahim is given proper support and resources to do his job Ibrahim will be a powerful voice but it also needs to be a voice that the Leadership, The Manifesto Group and the Campaigns Department is prepared to listen to.

    Speaking for myself as Diversity Champion for East of England I look forward to working with Ibrahim on Race Equality issues, in constituenties within the region which have a high percentage of BME residents (Watford, St. Albans, Luton, Bedord etc)
    I trust the other Diversity Champions will also come forward and offer to support and assist Ibrahim undertake his new responsibilities The task of tackling Racial Disadvantage in the country, and of course not forgetting the Party, is too big for one man – even if that man is Ibrahim Taguri

  • Jayne Mansfield 23rd Jan '15 - 1:12pm

    We can all do our bit for tackling racial discrimination in the country Rabi Martins, it seems that your party needs to tackle any racial discrimination within the party.

    The Green Party, currently seems to be your biggest threat in terms of attracting voters and despite being a small party, it has had two women leaders and now the first ethnic minority deputy leader of a UK parliamentary party.

    Some Liberal Democrat socks need pulling up.

  • All race discrimination needs to be tackled so start with anyone preaching and posting social media rants whoever they are. Discrimination against and segregation of women needs to be stopped now. Equality for all please.

  • R Uduwerage-Perera 24th Jan '15 - 10:50am

    Dear Colleagues,

    On behalf of the Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats (EMLD), I can say that we are delighted in Ibrahim Taguri’s appointment as our first Race Equality Champion. This is one of many things that EMLD has been asking for a considerable time, and it demonstrates some form of awareness has started.

    Ibrahim is unique amongst many aspiring and well seasoned politicians in that he does not claim to know everything, and as such he actually seeks thoughts and answers from those who have knowledge, understanding and skills in the topic area. This endears him to many, and will hopefully mean that people will be open and honest with him.

    I am already aware that some people are criticising this new role, and to those people I say that although I support the need for a holistic approach to tackling inequality, the reality is that we have not in our Party, nor in society reached the level of sophistication as yet to do this effectively. The reality is that since the Equality Act, 2010 we have witnessed race equality matters virtually disappear from the agenda of many within politics, although race inequality is on the increase with the rise of the Right. In my opinion, ‘interest groups’ need to be allowed to highlight and discuss specific diversity inequalities without being harangued for not mentioning another ‘Protected Characteristic’, for the reality is that we all benefit when unnecessary barriers are removed.

    As someone who considers that our core principles are just, I for one believe that in order to actually “walk the talk” we would benefit from not shying away from some realities such as the possibility that along with other large and established organisations, as well as wider society, we suffer from the existence of ‘institutional inequalities’. These are to be found in our processes, procedures and practices, which are simply not appropriately developed to counter the conscious or unconscious biases that exist.

    Part of the role of the Race Equality Champion is to look both internally as well as externally as to how we as a Party can truly reflect the positive ethnic diversity that exists within the Britain today, and as such I personally support the idea of an independent inquiry into such matters, the result of which will aid the Race Equality Champion.

    I can happily report that very positive discussions and meetings between Ibrahim and EMLD commenced well before the announcement of his new role, for he is already a very positive role model for BME communities, and I for one am looking forward to progressing these.

    Success will start when we as a Party choose to explicitly demonstrate positive changes internally that we wish to see in society, and the establishment of Race Equality Champion is a step in the right direction. I now ask that Ibrahim is given the resources and support that are required for this vitally important role.

    Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera

    Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrat (EMLD) – Vice Chair
    Liberal Democrat South Central Region Executive – Diversity Officer

  • Good luck to Ibrahim Taguri as a candidate in the General Election in Brent.

    I hope this appointment will help him in that endeavour.

    The article says —
    “…He’s now been appointed by Nick Clegg as the party’s Race Equality Champion.
    This means that he’ll be in charge of engaging with all communities and that the manifesto is fit for a diverse Britain.”

    Perhaps just curiosity on my part or maybe a sign that I am out of the loop — but can anyone tell me the name of the last person in this post ?

    The article says the job exists to ensure that the manifesto is fit for a diverse Britain.
    Are there other champions ?
    For example – is there a champion to ensure that the manifesto is fit for industrial democracy and co-ownership ?
    Is there a champion to ensure that the manifesto is fit for a democratic Britain shorn of its unelected second chamber?
    Is there a champion for homeless Britain? Someone who ensures that the manifesto has policies that will provide homes for all not just Russian Oligarchs.
    Is there a champion for renewable energy and a greener Britain?

    Are these jobs all in the gift of the leader? Or is there something in the Constitution ?
    If anyone can help with these questions it would be really helpful.
    I have tried looking on the Liberal Democrat Website for this information ..,, but it just keeps asking me to donate …

  • How refreshing to read a really positive and aspirational post on LDV.

    Ibrahim – I do not know you personally but I sincerely hope you are elected as an MP for Brent. You will be able to draw on your own life experience when championing the eradication of child poverty and the provision of educational opportunities for all. Comments (above) from Rabi Martins and Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera suggest you will be a first class Race Equality Champion. Wishing you a very successful future.

  • Rabi Martins 24th Jan '15 - 4:38pm

    @ Lester – Like you I hope Ibrahim will continue to hold the role long after the General Election I have no reason to believe he won’t

    Re Operation Black Vote Rally – I am not aware that OBV promoted the event to Liberal Democrats Had I known of it I would have made a point of attending Were EMLD notified or invited ?

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