Has Phil Woolas declared himself unfit to be an MP?

These photographs have clearly been altered. This is wrong. This man is clearly unfit to be a member of parliament. When you send out an election address it has to be right – his is not.

So said Phil Woolas in 2005 when he accused the Lib Dem Tony Dawson of doctoring an election photo, an accusation Dawson strongly denied.

Odd, then, that Mr Woolas should have put out a newspaper in the 2010 general election campaign which appears to use a clearly photoshopped picture to imply that his Lib Dem opponent Elwyn Watkins was having his collar felt by the the local constabulary.

Nick Thornsby has the details, showing how a photo of Elwyn Watkins was pasted on top of an image of armed police found on the Internet.

Phil Woolas is due in court over another election-related matter.  He’s accused of swaying the election result by making false accusations about his opponent accepting foreign donations and having links to extremists.

Woolas held his Oldham East and Saddleworth seat for Labour, beating Lib Dem Watkins by 103 votes in May.  The hearing begins on 11th September and could result in the election being re-run.

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  • Mike(The Labour one) 3rd Sep '10 - 6:50pm

    Vile. I wouldn’t vote for him if I lived in his constituency.

  • Kevin Peters 3rd Sep '10 - 7:15pm

    Clearly Mr Paul is of the Labour troll variety that never sees anything wrong in what Labour does, Mr Paul this is what Starlin did he airbrushed pictures. Presumably the purges in the old Soviet Union were all the figment of western propaganda as well. This is a lick spittle defence which does you a deserves, and if you sincerely believe such clamp trap. Woolas is a scab on democracy and his entire career a stain on the Labour parties reputation. I such you return to the world of you fellow trolls where these views will not be challenged. What do you think of Woolas last leaflet or are you so blinkered by party prejudice that the truth passes you by without once interfering with your conscience if you have one. There are socialists that can see how repugnant what this man has done, why cannot you?

  • Horrible man. Represents the lowest of the low in British Politics. Governs people using fear.

    http://stevebeasant.mycouncillor.org.uk/files/2010/08/philwoolasleaflet.jpg – enough said

  • Steven Acres 3rd Sep '10 - 8:30pm

    Chris Paul v The Rest Of The World, Part 97

    On his own site Chris Paul has made numerous condemnations of photoshopping, and rightly so. When it is done clumsily he attacks it even more. But when the Labour Party churn out lies like this it suddenly becomes irony.

  • “When you send out an election address it has to be right.”

    Yes, it has to say what you really believe about VAT, and when to cut spending. I hope Nick Clegg is reading this!

    The photo doesn’t look anything like an arrest, and it’s high time that the Liberal Democrats became more thick-skinned, particularly now that you’re in government.

    Instead of provoking more animosity both to and from Labour, it’s time you started listening to George Kendall’s common sense and looked towards building bridges. Both parties might need each other one day soon!

  • gramsci's eyes 4th Sep '10 - 8:36am

    He should have relied on a good old fashioned bare face lie like my Lib-Dem candidate. “Only the lib-dems can keep out the Tories”.

  • Steven Acres 4th Sep '10 - 8:42am

    Oh,don’t worry, Woolas relied on good old fashioned bare faced lies too.

  • Iain, I really am disappointed in you trying to score petty political points on this one when you consider the sad record of Cheadle’s Lib Dem MP – the man you follow around posting leaflets for.

    In case it’s slipped your memory Mark Hunter got caught up in a dodgy leaflet storm just before the General Election.

    Here it is in The Sun. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/election2010/2947779/Libs-fib-over-great-gran-leaflet.html

    Do you remember now? Mark Hunter grabbing a local grandmother, forcing her to appear in a photo with him and then making up a quote of support from her and putting it out on a leaflet.

    This was an 86 year old woman who is your neighbour Iain. And you exploited her terribly.

    Shame on you.

    Clerical error my arse!

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