Here at the Voice we get sent many promotional emails from companies looking for some free publicity. Generally we ignore them. But, just occasionally, they’re too creative, inventive and fun to ignore.
Congratulations then to designers and developers Fancy for coming up with the David Heath action figure, inspired by their local MP for Somerton and Frome. As they explain:
Nailing our colours to the mast, we thought we’d produce a line of action figures extolling his many virtues and capturing the essence of our hard-working local MP
So how can LDV readers get their hands on their very own David Heath action figure?
Alas, as the packaging states, he “can’t be bought”.
Oh, that is wonderful!
Thank you for cheering me up as I struggle with leaflet design.
And Good Luck to David.
Excellent. He’s up against that very strange ultra posh Tory woman, Morticia Addams-Addams or something like that.
The action figure is pretty in shape… I know there was another woman that got herself an action figure as well, and yet another one from geek girl, it’s some kind of geek tv show presented by a girl.
Would make a good voodoo doll for the many 17-23 year olds in Mr Heath’s constituency who are being sailed up the river by Mr Heath in terms of tuition fees and the cost of learning to drive. He may oppose cider tax but to say he speaks his mind is surely against the trade descriptions act! It should say “Says one thing, supports another”.
Stephen, I would love to borrow the David Heath action figure, we need help in S&F for next time, and I understand it may have some restorative powers!? If you have one please let me know!
Many thanks,
Adam Boyden,
LD Mendip District Councillor, Frome