Excellent to see this new initiative, which is over at http://libdemsni.wordpress.com. Reading through the posts there so far I’m struck by how streaks of similarity poke through the many differences in Northern Irish politics compared to those of England, Scotland or Wales.
The blog got off to a good start with its star signing; let’s hope it prospers in the coming months.
Mark it is certainly a team effort between myself and Michael Carchrie Campbell for the time being. Altough I have to admit I have acted a catalyst that has up his political output both here and on his own blog.
Hopefully there will be more scribes from within the Northern Irish party adding they blogposts soon.
What is the NI branch’s relationship with the Alliance Party, Stephen?
Sounds great!
Isn’t it high time that NI got some parties which aren’t primarily defined by their position within the sectarian divide?
I’d think that this would be a very good thing indeed. I have no clue whether people in NI would want to vote for a party that dosn’t overtly share their flavour of Christianity, but if I lived in NI I’d be gutted to be deprived of the opportunity ever to vote for a party that might actually have clout in Westminster!!
The current stance of the NI Party’s relationship with the Alliance is that they do not stand candidates but will support and work with the most liberal, inclusive and democratic party in Northern Ireland which happens to be the Alliance.
I couldn’t agree more. As for the Lib Dems in NI we cover all the flavours of Christianity in the province so we’re like a big ecumenical ice cream shop. You can have mint choc chip if you like or tangerine dream. We’re not too fussed.
This sounds just as it should be. I’ll never understand why so many people in NI put up with the poltical parties they have and don’t demand proper parties to vote for – you know, parties that can actually get stuff done – although I guess in NI you are lucky if you get an MP who bothers to turn up in parliament!
There is nothing wrong with regional parties, obviously (although I wouldn’t vote for any one of those), but only having regional parties to the exclusion of all else is just turning one’s back on proper democracy, IMO.
Kudos to you for trying to change the situation!