Headline says it all really:
A RED-FACED councillor has had to apologise after calling for the legalisation of euthanasia to cut the number of children in care.
First this week it was sterilisation, now it’s killing children. ‘Nasty party’ anyone?
UPDATE: It looks as if Hugh Jackson has now had the Conservative whip withdrawn.
Nasty party? Think “Dr. Death”, Evan Harris. In fact, he’d probably agree with the councillor. He, like many Lib Dem MPs, believes unborn children should be killed (up to birth) if they have a disability. What’s the difference? The cllr should join you.
Mark Pack wrote:
“Headline says it all really”
Actually, the headline is pretty misleading, considering it was intended to be a joke – albeit one in very poor taste –
Justin, I’m all for a bit of constructive troll-wrestling, but please don’t be a wilful idiot. Enormous numbers of entirely sane, reasonable and distinctly non-demonic people agree with Evan Harris’ stance on abortion, as you know perfectly well. Every time you people actually invoke that properly vicious Daily Mail attack on him – as if you’re actually proud of it! Have you *read* it? – it devalues you and all your arguments.
The Limp Dums support abortion and this is responsible for nothing less than a genocide scale of child murder- so stop talikg B@ll@cks
My Tory opponent, when I stood for parliament in ’92 was very pro-abortion; I was against abortion. Like all parties the Lib Dems has members who are pro and anti, I guess only the Pro Life Alliance dosen’t.
You David Alton, David?
Alix (hello to a fellow Haringey resident, I think), a lot of people mildly support abortion in certain circumstances – Dr. Harris isn’t one of them. He’s a big cheerleader and is obsessed by the subject. In addition, he goes out of his way to oppose the pro-Life movement. This is how he got the name “Dr. Death”.
If we have over 20000 councillors in the country occassionally some of them will say something silly and occassionally some of them will be members of political party’s. Non Story.
Justin Hinchcliffe wrote: “This is how he got the name “Dr. Death”.”
You are confusing Dr Evan Harris with Dr David Owen, who actually was known as “Dr Death”.
Owen got his peerage for endorsing John Major, so I guess he is a hero of yours.
If we have over 20000 councillors in the country occassionally some of them will say something silly and occassionally some of them will be members of political party’s. Non Story.
This is true. If however, a trend emerges that lots of councillors from one particular political party start to show up arguing for a similar set of things, that are wildly at odds with what the leadership of that party is trying to say in public, don’t you think that deserves a mention?
Indeed, Evan Harris got the name Dr Death because that is what the Daily Hate Mail decided he should be called, in the course of what was, even for them, an exceptionally nasty-minded and borderline libellous hatchet job on him last October. I’m not going to dignify it with a link, but I strongly suggest you find and read it before you continue to associate yourself with its message.
Since we’re talking about it, I take issue with your contention that people “mildly” support abortion. There are plenty of passionate public advocates. Obviously it’s an issue that arouses strong feelings on both sides or the Daily Hate Mail wouldn’t feel the need to carry out character assassinations revolving around it.
Is there an Anti Life Alliance?
As I am not a member of the Pro Life Alliance, does that make me anti life?
This was clearly meant as an (albeit in bad taste) joke. It was aid off the cuff, and doubtless in jovial tones, and was apologised for immediately. Unlike the guy who entirely seriously wanted to sterilise the poor, I think it’s an overreaction to demand this guy’s head on a silver platter.
Or has nobody here ever made a joke in poor taste?
Loathe as I am to quote that hippy from Gallilee, let him that is without sin cast the first stone? Something I think fairly regularly when reading stuff on here, actually.
We’ve only got the guy’s word for it that it was meant as a joke, but if it was it does seem a bit excessive to actually withdraw the whip. I suppose they’re over a barrel with their nasty party tag. If they have to do this every time a Tory says something slightly objectionable there’s going to be none of them left.
“And that’s a good thing!”
A very sad affair which proves the conservatives are unfit for office.
A very strange response from the conservatives who defended him in council and then after the press made a meal of it they suspended him. Which of course they should have done in the first place.
Even stranger was the comment from David Morton (above) especially as the Conservative parliamentary candidate’s husband has the same name.
see website below:-
As a survivor of the care system I was horrified to learn of this councillors comment. I wrote my book to show people how badly I was treated in the care system and that abuse to date still hasnt been addressed by the Tories or this government as im sure they much prefer it not to be seen especially after that comment was made because they wasnt far off killing me as a child. Why children in care seem to be targeted when ever the government feels like it and with no thought for us as human beings is beyond me. We are persecuted as children through no fault of our own and we are persecuted as adults because we were in care no matter how well we are or are not doing. My Tory MP has never responded to my emails or calls and his secretary felt what i went through didnt warrant even a ten pence phone call. The social branding of children and survivors of the care system needs to stop because this outward display towards us ensures we are persecuted or abused further. It has upset me because it makes me wonder what else the government feels we should be put through just for the sake of what to them is a joke but to me certainly isnt a laughing matter.
my book is called Pin Down HB and the PB is due out in two weeks renamed Trust no one (my book is not related to the pin down enquiery). MP’s who didnt stop the abuse to all those girls at Kendall House and allowed it to continue may not want to read this book as they are still MP’s today.
Please sign the petition asking for an enquiery into the severe abuse at Kendall House