Now a Tory councillor wants euthansia for children in care (UPDATED)

Headline says it all really:

A RED-FACED councillor has had to apologise after calling for the legalisation of euthanasia to cut the number of children in care.

First this week it was sterilisation, now it’s killing children. ‘Nasty party’ anyone?

UPDATE: It looks as if Hugh Jackson has now had the Conservative whip withdrawn.

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  • Justin Hinchcliffe 27th Mar '08 - 2:37pm

    Nasty party? Think “Dr. Death”, Evan Harris. In fact, he’d probably agree with the councillor. He, like many Lib Dem MPs, believes unborn children should be killed (up to birth) if they have a disability. What’s the difference? The cllr should join you.

  • Mark Pack wrote:
    “Headline says it all really”


    Actually, the headline is pretty misleading, considering it was intended to be a joke – albeit one in very poor taste –

  • It's All Pants 27th Mar '08 - 6:44pm

    The Limp Dums support abortion and this is responsible for nothing less than a genocide scale of child murder- so stop talikg B@ll@cks

  • My Tory opponent, when I stood for parliament in ’92 was very pro-abortion; I was against abortion. Like all parties the Lib Dems has members who are pro and anti, I guess only the Pro Life Alliance dosen’t.

  • David Morton 27th Mar '08 - 7:46pm

    If we have over 20000 councillors in the country occassionally some of them will say something silly and occassionally some of them will be members of political party’s. Non Story.

  • Justin Hinchcliffe wrote: “This is how he got the name “Dr. Death”.”

    You are confusing Dr Evan Harris with Dr David Owen, who actually was known as “Dr Death”.

    Owen got his peerage for endorsing John Major, so I guess he is a hero of yours.

  • Cheltenham Robin 27th Mar '08 - 11:37pm

    Is there an Anti Life Alliance?

    As I am not a member of the Pro Life Alliance, does that make me anti life?

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