Next year there will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to get rid of the first past the post system and replace it with the Alternative Vote system; The House of Lords is about to be reformed; the number of parliamentary constituencies is about to be reduced.
As Liberal Democrats we have a once in a generation opportunity to shape the discussion about the kind politics which will best serve the British people. Our autumn conference fringe event will explore that – but not in the normal way, with the normal suspects. We want to do this in a “new politics” way.
Come and pitch your idea to our “dragon’s den” style panellists. Make a 3 minute pitch on your idea for how political reform can deliver the benefits of diversity. How a reformed second chamber can harness the full spectrum of female and ethnic minority talent in modern Britain. How a reformed politics will improve decision making and change the culture of politics and society forever! Hear how our audience and panellists react to your ideas.
The event will be moderated by moderated by a Channel 4 presenter, with senior Lib Dems in listening mode… what better chance to influence the decision makers!”
The Electoral Reform Society presents “Political reform…in the dragon’s den!”
What should a reformed Parliament look like? How could it change the culture of politics and the people who want to be politicians? Radicals pitch ideas to our expert panel, including Lynne Featherstone MP.
Wednesday, 22nd September 2010, 13.00 – 14.00, ACC Liverpool , Hall 11C
Other than an idea of how we want to see the country being run, governed and how we want our politicians elected, how do we take part in this? Do we need to register our interest beforehand?
Hi Nicola, if you are interested in being one of the pitchers that’s great! We’ll be giving more details of how the fringe will be run early in September, so keep your eyes peeled! Cheers, Jo