Richard Reeves to step down as Clegg’s director of strategy

Nick Clegg’s director of strategy, Richard Reeves, has announced that he is to step down from his position after deciding to move to the United States. Reeves was instrumental in establishing the 5-year Lib Dem coalition strategy, which he famously represented on a graph plotting “Lib Dem identity” and “Government unity and strength” over the five year parliament. Reeves was previously the head of Demos, and biographer of John Stuart Mill.

The Guardian has more on Reeves’ resignation:

[Reeves] and his American-born wife, Erica, are to depart for the US in the summer to give a chance for his two dual-nationality children to be raised in the US and be educated in American schools. They are 13 and 10.

Reeves stressed he was not deserting his boss due to disillusionment with the party’s prospects after the latest national poll showed the Liberal Democrats trailing Ukip. He regards judgments about the outcome of the next general election as ridiculously premature.

He said: “It has been a huge honour and incredibly exciting to be part of the first peacetime coalition for decades, and also, as a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, to serve Liberal Democrat ministers.”


* Nick Thornsby is a day editor at Lib Dem Voice.

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  • Many will breathe a sigh of relief.

  • There was a strategy?

  • Bill le Breton 19th Apr '12 - 10:05am

    I am not sure whether to laugh or cry.

  • I won’t – Reeves was a great strategist, a committed Liberal, and a valuable disciple and evangelist of Mill at the heart of Government.

  • Richard Dean 19th Apr '12 - 10:21am

    The range of two opinions and one uncertainty in these three comments seems to suggest that the chap wasn’t too successful at knitting the party into something coherent enough to win an election. But I guess he started with a catastrophe and was able to make some improvements. Let’s hope the new person can build on what he achieved.

  • ………… give a chance for his two dual-nationality children to be raised in the US and be educated in American schools. They are 13 and 10………….

    No local ‘Free School’? Or, perhaps, so he and Steve Hilton (Cameron’s ex) can compare notes.

  • No Offence Alan 19th Apr '12 - 2:02pm

    Where should I look for the job advertisement for his replacement?

  • I hope the replacement doesn’t confuse principle and messaging. I hope the replacement understands how badly let down many of our former supporters have been feeling of late. And I hope the replacement can break into this cosy Quad and put the party back at the centre of what Lib Dems say and do in government.

  • It would be nice to see some of these “strategists” actually stick around and see their plans through, not disappear to the States when the going gets tough. We need people of reslience in in the party right now, not Bertie Wooster.

  • mike cobley 23rd Apr '12 - 1:40pm

    “…a committed Liberal, and a valuable disciple and evangelist of Mill at the heart of Government.” – ah, so that’s why! Knew there had to be a reason why the country is up the creek.

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