Scottish Lib Dems internal elections underway

Returning Officer John Lawrie started off the Scottish Lib Dems internal elections yesterday. Nominations are now open for candidates for office bearer positions and the party committees, along with representatives to Federal Party Committees and the Federal Council to serve for the next two years.

It’s a challenging time for the Scottish Party. The people elected at this set of elections will need to progress the 150 Rising project, to almost double our councillors at the next set of council elections in 2027, as well as get us through the General Election and prepare for the Scottish Parliament elections in 2026.

Nominations close on 13th November, to give people time to think about standing and to get nominations at and after Autumn Conference on 4th November.

Any member of the Scottish Party can stand and the nominations process is all online, so there is no need to get anyone to sign bits of paper.

All the information you need to stand is here.  It includes the posts available, job descriptions, how to stand and get nominations and the rules about campaigning.

The first thing you need to do is submit your consent to nomination which you do here.

Your name will then, in the fullness of time, appear on an online list where people can nominate you.

If you want to nominate someone, or see who is standing for things, you need to get your unique nominating code by completing this form.  Then, you can nominate to your heart’s content.

Candidates for office bearer positions need 15 nominations and for committee places, the threshold is 10.

Have a look at all the information and think about what you could do to take the Scottish Party forward.

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Recent Comments

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    This is a valid strategy. But it does take a toll on the activists who do it and they may not realise that until quite some time later........
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