Tag Archives: chris cook

An unsatisfactory road back to power: Chris Cook’s history of the party

The newly published seventh edition of Chris Cook’s A Short History of the Liberal Party, this time covering events up to 2010, is much like the previous editions. That is, unfortunately, a case of damning with faint praise.

The book deserves some praise. Above all, it exists – and Chris Cook has been one of the few to regularly take to print to record the party’s history. There are very few other books which cover the history of the party and its predecessors all in one volume. It provides a detailed electoral record of the Liberals, Alliance and then Liberal …

Posted in Books and Op-eds | 2 Comments

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  • Peter Martin
    @ Joe, "When the government is running a deficit, it is exchanging currency for goods and services without taxing back that spending." Sure. Wh...
  • Mick Taylor
    Please Tom don’t repeat the mistake you have now made on at least 2 occasions when talking about the Far Right in Europe. The AFD did not take control of Thur...
  • Michael BG
    Peter Martin, The link you provided gives unemployment at 3.8% and underemployment at 6.4% for 2023. Since then unemployment has increased to 4.2% 1.44 milli...
  • Jennie
    We'll miss you, Suzanne :(...
  • Nell Jerram
    Hi Chris, another trans-person here, thanks for writing this. I realize I am months late, but I found it today as part of trying to establish the party's posit...