Tag Archives: collective agreement

Opinion: Coalition needs a new approach to collective responsibility

In my recent piece on LDV, a fairly gentle poke at the rebranding of the opposition, two themes emerged from those with opposing views. They can be summed up as ‘Why don’t you lot ever disagree with the Tories’ and ‘get your own house in order first’.

Well you know, I think they have a point.

Even as a strong supporter of the coalition, I’d long disagreed with the ‘not a cigarette paper between us‘ approach to government. We get tarred with policy we don’t agree with, get no credit for Lib Dem inspired legislation, and fail to build up …

Posted in Op-eds | Also tagged | 13 Comments

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  • Nonconformistradical
    "The defenders of participatory democracy need to address the inequality that underpins it in the form of those likely to participate." Indeed. By being proa...
  • Michael Bukola
    The defenders of participatory democracy need to address the inequality that underpins it in the form of those likely to participate. Different social groups re...
  • Ken Westmoreland
    @Laurence Cox Agreed, this is one of the things the British Overseas Voters Forum campaigns on - https://bovf.org.uk/frozen-pensions/...
  • Denis Mollison
    @Laurence Cox Good questions about how you draw constituencies in practice, especially for the most awkward cases. You can find my suggested answers in "STV fo...
  • Laurence Cox
    It is in countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand that British pensioners suffer most because their state pensions are frozen at the rate they received ...