Tag Archives: conference agenda

Autumn Conference agenda is now live!

One fo the delights of the beginning of August is always the publication of the Autumn Conference agenda. It came out today and you can read it here. There are clear print and plain text versions too. Conference takes place in Brighton between 17 and 20 September. For the first time in many years, I can’t go and I’m really gutted about that. It really is one of the highlights of the year and the first time in 3 years that the Lib Dem family will be getting together.

You can see when all the debates and keynote speeches are taking place. Details of training and fringe meetings will be published in the Directory separately.

It’s important for all party members to have a good look at it. Even if you aren’t going to Conference, you can still influence our policy. If you think a policy motion has a bit missing or you think we should take another direction, you can put together an amendment.

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Amendments selected for Conference agenda


The final meeting of Federal Conference Committee prior to us all heading to Bournemouth took place this Saturday, where amendments were debated and selected. One big difference from the motions selection meeting is that debate is more rapid, with 73 amendments, 9 emergency/topic motions, 12 questions to federal bodies and one appeal to deal with.

When discussing motions the ultimate decision is a yes or a no, but with amendments there is also the option of accepting it as a drafting change. This only applies to simple and uncontroversial changes, often clarifications, and means it does not need to be voted on and can simply be published in Conference Daily. Drafting amendments should not be substantial, so even a non-controversial amendment to update the motion based on events since the agenda was published still needs to be formally voted on.

Posted in Conference and News | Also tagged | 7 Comments

Recent Comments

  • Christopher Haigh
    Coincidentally Tim Iredale on Politics North lad t Sunday devoted the whole programme to the way surviving coalfield communities of the South Yorkshire have bee...
  • expats
    You mean the UN whose decisions Israel refuses to accept, the same UN the Israeli president, Isaac Herzog, told Keansburg was anti Israel and the UN he calls "m...
  • Jack Nicholls
    There's a lot in here I like, especially the approach to younger voters. I was fine with the election strategy under the circumstances in which it took place, b...
  • Peter Hirst
    Good if they receive guarantees from the UN and a timetable for it....
  • expats
    @Peter Hirst 10th Feb '25 - 2:39pm.. If the Palestinians leave Gaza what are their chances of EVER getting back?...