Tag Archives: george potter

Êtes-vous Charlie?

There was a bit of a discussion on Twitter yesterday about the use of the hashtag “Je suis Charlie.” Some people are uncomfortable about being seen to endorse a publication whose views they did not agree with. Here are two opposing views from George Potter and Caron Lindsay:

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Glasgow Gossip #2: Jumpergate

If you’re interested in welfare, you’ll know thatGeorge Potter has been one of the most ardent campaigners against the Coalition’s welfare reforms. And, true to form, he spoke in yesterday’s welfare debate. However, it’s not what he said that riled Louise Mensch. It’s what he was wearing.

She was reacting to George’s tweet showing the BBC picture of him speaking:

In a series of tweets, Louise and others slated his fashion choices and accused George of whining when he complained.  Have a look at these:

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Clegg a hypocrite? Nick’s critics are “playing the man, not the ball” says BBC’s Mark Easton

The right-wing press was today in full self-righteous cry, accusing Nick Clegg of ‘hypocrisy’ for seeking to ensure fairness on internships when he’s stated in interviews before he benefited from family connections. Their argument is comprehensively refuted by the BBC’s home editor Mark Easton, who points out here quite how spurious such attacks are:

The charge is that he is a hypocrite – trying to deny to others what he enjoyed himself. But does the accusation really hold water? Are we saying that no politician can ever pursue reforms to a system because he or she is a consequence of

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