The Liberal Democrat Henley by-election campaign has upped the pressure today on John Howell, the Conservative candidate, over his controversial links to property developers.
From the party’s press release:
The Liberal Democrats have today written to the Conservative candidate in the Henley by-election, John Howell, urging him to clarify his links to property developers for the sake of local residents.
Mr Howell has so far failed to deny his links to a firm that helps property developers build on green belt and green field sites.
Chief Executive of the Liberal Democrats, Lord Rennard said:
“Local people deserve to know the full facts about John Howell’s links to property developers. Protecting the countryside is a vital issue in this election.
“John Howell’s links to firms that want to develop in controversial locations poses questions about his suitability to be the local MP.
“Many people will think it is hypocritical of John Howell to have such strong links to developers whilst saying on his election literature that he wants to ‘Defend South Oxfordshire’s Green Belt’.”
Text of Chris Rennard’s letter: