Tag Archives: hetan shah

The British public, eh? What do they know?

rss - PerilsofPerceptionThat’s the question the Royal Statistical Society and King’s College London decided to find out with the help of polling firm Ipsos MORI. They asked the British public a range of questions on current social issues. And they found the public mostly gave answers that were factually wrong. Not just fractionally out: a long way out.

See how you do on the 10 most common misperceptions held by the British public…

Teenage pregnancy:
What proportion of girls under 16 do you think become pregnant each year?
a) 0.6%
b) 3.6%
c) 6.3%

Is violent …

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  • Ken Westmoreland
    The irony is that those voting in such a referendum would include the very people who would be disenfranchised, a case of turkeys taking part in a vote on Chris...
  • David Rogers
    Thanks Mary for drawing attention to the u3a, and for drawing attention to the parallels with that extract from the preamble to the constitution. But we should ...
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    "Which of them would the LIb Dems refuse admission to in the, admittedly somewhat unlikely, event they wanted to quit Labour?" The ones that think a classes'...
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  • Slamdac
    Voting in general elections should be for UK citizens only. It is for UK citizens to elect the representatives who will determine matters such as immigration, d...