Tag Archives: hiv/aids

The Independent View: Ending female genital mutilation and early marriage will also help tackle HIV

Youth group, SRH, BangladeshThe leadership shown by the UK government – and in particular the Liberal Democrats and Lynne Featherstone MP – on ending female genital cutting or mutilation (FGC/M) in a generation has been ground breaking and inspiring. The upcoming Girl Summit is a timely opportunity, hot on the heels of the recent Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, to promote girls’ and women’s rights to live free from violence and discrimination and achieve their potential.

There’s no doubt that ending child, early and forced marriage and female …

Posted in Op-eds and The Independent View | Also tagged , , and | 5 Comments

‘Trial HIV vaccine cuts infection’ – Evan’s response

The BBC reports:

An experimental HIV vaccine has for the first time cut the risk of infection, researchers say. The vaccine – a combination of two earlier experimental vaccines – was given to 16,000 people in Thailand, in the largest ever such vaccine trial. Researchers found that it reduced by nearly a third the risk of contracting HIV, the virus that leads to Aids. Speaking at a news conference in Thailand, US ambassador to Thailand, Eric G. John, said the trial has “brought us one step closer to an HIV vaccine”.

Lib Dem shadow science minister Evan Harris has issued the following response:

The field of HIV vaccine research is littered with failures and disappointments. Ideas which look great on paper or in theory end up not giving protection against the virus in the real world. This is the first time that scientists have come close to making that leap, and it’s a real cause for hope.

“However, it would be premature to say this is a turning point.

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