Tag Archives: hyndburn council

Warning! Do not access Hyndburn Council website from a mobile phone

Just a friendly little warning, given that their terms and conditions only grant the following permission:

You may retrieve and display content from the Hyndburn BC website on a computer screen, print individual pages on paper and store such pages in electronic format on a personal computer for your personal and non-commercial use.

You wouldn’t want to go breaking their rules by accessing the site on a device with a screen but which isn’t a computer now would you?

(Though at least the photocopying strictures are no longer there.)

Posted in News | 12 Comments

Hyndburn Conservatives revolt over candidate selection

Political Scrapbook has the story:

The constituency of Hyndburn, Lancashire has been left “without a functioning Conservative Association” after its entire leadership resigned in protest at a selection shortlist forced upon them by Tory high command. The list excluded the Conservative leader of Hyndburn Borough Council, Peter Britcliffe, who had made no secret of his desire to contest the seat.

You can read the full story here.

Andy Rankine is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Hyndburn. You can get in touch, read news or offer to help via his Facebook page or the local party website.

PS Hyndburn Council is the …

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‘Hyndburngate’ spying allegations

Strange goings on in Lancashire:

‘Hyndburngate’ spying allegations

EXTRA CCTV is being installed at the borough council officers amid claims of a ‘Hyndburngate’ involving bosses being spied on.

At Hyndburn’s full council meeting leader Coun Peter Britcliffe accused the Labour group of behaving ‘like the Richard Nixon administration’, claiming documents were being searched during ‘internal break-ins’.

However the Labour group said the allegations were ‘completely unfounded’…

At the meeting Coun Britcliffe said: “There have been internal break-ins in which councillors have been snooping up and down looking at letters.

“We do know that one Labour councillor was found at the back of somebody’s computer in the

Posted in Local government | 1 Comment

The council that bans you from photocopying pages printed from their website

Public Sector Forums (found via DavePress) has a great selection of genuine but, shall we say, curious website terms and conditions from the public sector demanding that people don’t link to their website or jump through various odd hoops in order to do so.

Want to link to the Identity & Passport Service’s website? You must get written permission first.

The Millennium Commission don’t like you linking without permission either. But at least they invite emails asking for permission.

The Office of Government Commerce says you can link … as long as you follow some rules which include the provision that …

Posted in News and Online politics | Also tagged and | 1 Comment

Recent Comments

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