Tag Archives: ian clement

Ian Clement is a former Deputy Mayor of London, under Boris Johnson. He was forced to resign in June 2009 following allegations that he misused his corporate credit card for groceries and private dinners. As a result, Clement was charged with five counts of fraud in September 2009.

Ian Clement’s expense claims while leader of Bexley Council were found to be excessive and included personal expenditure, although Bexley Council decided not to refer the matter to the police.

Boris Johnson’s attitude to breaches of expense rules

Seems that the Mayor of London has a talent for picking the “wonderful”, “brilliant” and scandal-prone when it comes to expenses.

The BBC reports that Boris Johnson claimed on his MP expenses for a website which promoted his mayoral campaign and the sale of his books:

Mr Johnson claimed the £500 from his MP’s communications allowance for redesigning his website homepage in December 2007.

In a letter obtained by BBC London under the Freedom of Information Act, a parliamentary official told Mr Johnson that his claim was rejected because his website fell “significantly outside” the allowance guidelines.

The House of Commons guidance on the Communications Allowance couldn’t be any clearer –

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Ian Clement charged with fraud

Ian Clement, one of Boris Johnson’s former Deputy Mayors, has been charged with five counts of fraud “in connection with alleged misuse of expenses.”

Clement was forced to resign in June over allegations that he used his City Hall corporate credit card to pay for private meals and groceries.

Adam Bienkov at Tory Troll has the full story, including the statement issued by the Metropolitan Police, and a statement from Clement’s lawyer in the Bexley Times who accuses the Crown Prosecution Service of “political expediency” for deciding to prosecute. 

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Ian Clement claimed for “expenses paid” trips

Ian Clement, former leader of Bexley Council, has been ordered to repay more than £2000 which he claimed in expenses for trips which had already been paid for.

From the Local Government Chronicle:

Bexley LBC had paid for Ian Clement’s accommodation at a BT conference in the United States, which brought together politicians, academics and businessmen.

More than half of the £2,087.85 the council has asked to be paid back was spent on this trip.

Mr Clement, who was council leader between May 2006 and May 2008, claimed £1,270.50 in overnight subsistence allowances for the trip.

Mr Clement has previously paid back £1,220 he

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Bexley Conservatives throw out Ian Clement

Ian Clement may have resigned last week as Boris Johnson’s deputy mayor, but his troubles are far from over.

From the Bexleyheath and Crayford Conservatives’ website:

At a meeting held on 25th June of the Bexleyheath and Crayford Conservative Association Executive Council, a unanimous decision was taken to immediately suspend the Association Membership of Ian Clement in light of recent reports in the press about his conduct.

The process of formally terminating his membership has begun. By the terms of our constitution, this will require a special meeting of the Executive Council, whereby fourteen days notice must be given to Mr Clement.

Last …

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Boris Johnson in expenses hot water

Two pieces of troubling news regarding London Mayor Boris Johnson and his approach to expenses: he’s been running up big bills himself and he also personally signed off expenses on the controversial corporate credit card, the use of which resulted in (yet another) Deputy Mayor having to quit.

Paul Waugh has the details of Boris Johnson’s expensive taxis:

I know Boris loves London’s cabbies, but this is ridiculous. A new written answer to City Hall today shows that the Mayor seems to be following in the footsteps of Ken Livingstone when it comes to his love of the hackney carriage.

Boris’s total bill

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Ian Clement quits as deputy mayor of London

Ian Clement, the deputy mayor of London, resigned today following the misuse of his corporate credit card.

Ian Clement is the third of Boris Johnson’s deputy mayors to resign or be pushed since Johnson came to office in May 2008.

From the Guardian:

The mayor’s office announced that Clement, the deputy mayor for government and external relations, resigned earlier today following the discovery of further “discrepancies” less than a week after published receipts detailed how Clement had used the card for personal items over a matter of months.

The exact nature of the “discrepancies” have not been made public. But it emerged separately

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