Tag Archives: local enterprise partnerships

Duncan Hames writes: Local Enterprise Partnerships and low carbon development: what works and what doesn’t

This is the last of three extracts from the forthcoming collection of essays Green liberalism: a local approach to the low carbon economy. Similar collections will be published under Green Alliance’s ‘Green social democracy’ and ‘Green conservatism’ projects as part of the Green Roots programme, which aims to stimulate green thinking within the three dominant political traditions in the UK. 

A one size fits all policy, devised at a distance, imposed on local communities and implemented rigidly, is unlikely to rise to the environmental challenges we face today. That’s why we should give Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) the freedom to grasp …

Posted in Op-eds | Also tagged and | 3 Comments

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  • Nonconformistradical
    @Peter Martin "The other notable difference with the NHS is that you can effectively jump the queue by paying to have your op done in a public hospital. So whe...
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  • David Raw
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