Tag Archives: medway council

Councillor for 13 days: Medway Tory resigns

Conservative councillor David Craggs has resigned today, less than a fortnight after winning the by-election in River Ward, Medway.

Kent News reports:

The Gad’s Hill headteacher stood down from his position earlier today.

Yourmedway approached Mr Craggs for a comment and was told that a full statement detailing the reasons behind his resignation would be released later this afternoon.

However, we are led to believe that Mr Craggs was told he must choose between serving as a special constable, a position he has held for 17 years, and a Medway councillor.

Conservative Craggs gained the seat from Labour in the by-election on 12 …

Posted in Council by-elections | 5 Comments

Council website spending put under scrutiny

Today’s Telegraph has a piece looking at the large sums being spent by many councils on new or revamped websites.

In itself, an expensive website is not necessarily a poor use of funds as good, popular sites often also save costs (e.g. by reducing the number of phonecalls the council has to handle). As a result, Medway Council – one of those picked out in the article – may have a good case for spending £250,000 in revamping its site given that the last major revamp was in 2003. In the last seven years the internet has changed significantly as have …

Posted in Local government, News and Online politics | Also tagged and | 4 Comments

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