Tag Archives: richard clayton

The Independent View: How to legislate for the digital economy

“What to do about copyright?” In many ways this is a tired, fraught, complex and frustrating debate. It involves lawyers, economists, policy makers, campaigners of varying stripes, international legislation and huge corporate interests. It has been raging for hundreds of years. Change can be painfully slow. That means every so often it is important to revisit your principles.

Organisations such as Open Rights Group believe in the astonishing potential of the internet to expand our creative, economic and democratic horizons. And we believe that this potential is partly dependent on a flexible system of copyright that facilitates the reuse of the …

Posted in Op-eds and The Independent View | Also tagged , , and | 4 Comments

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  • Steve Trevethan
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  • Chris Moore
    hello, Peter, there isn't a single LD or Labour who doesn't understand that having the right-wing vote split between Reform and Conservatives helped significan...
  • Peter Martin
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  • Steve Comer
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    @Steve 'Might this war have been avoidable?' Yes. You are right AGAIN On 6 August 2022 you asked: ‘Why does more blood need to be spilled before starting...