Tag Archives: ron beadle

Liberal Left: why I’m underwhelmed

In theory, the launch of Liberal Left is something I should welcome as I’ve always thought that more and stronger party bodies make for a healthy party. They help give more meaning to internal party democracy by making it easier for people to co-operate with others of a like mind.

So why am I underwhelmed by Liberal Left’s launch?

It’s not that it covers some of the same ground as the Social Liberal Forum (disclosure: I’m on the SLF’s Advisory Council). Liberal Left looks to have a distinctive message and approach which diverges from, rather than duplicates, that of the …

Posted in Op-eds and Party policy and internal matters | Also tagged , and | 59 Comments

10 Lib Dems call for emergency recovery programme

From today’s Guardian:

We write to express broad support for the Compass Plan B proposals reported in the Observer (30 October). We are Liberal Democrat members who have campaigned hard for decades in national and local elections. We have also engaged in our party’s policymaking. For both reasons, we take seriously the policies on which we fought the last general election, in particular the belief that the Conservatives’ economic proposals would have dire consequences.

In May 2010, our party signed up, through the coalition agreement, to a series of policies against which it had recently campaigned. But out of responsibility to the …

Posted in News | Also tagged , , , , , , , , and | 53 Comments

Recent Comments

  • Roland
    > Oh, and, Mark, do you fancy taking on this column? Surely, having an insider’s and outsider’s view might be interesting, particularly given all the ta...
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    I have turned a Nelsonian blind eye to your question, Mark....
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