Tag Archives: therapets

Rennie and canine friends launch Scottish Lib Dem plans to improve mental health care

Has there ever been lovelier or funnier campaign photo than these?

Willie Rennie and therapet


Willie walks dogs

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie today set out plans to transform the treatment of mental health in primary care. He produced new independent analysis which shows 643,000 working days were lost in Scotland as a result of Depression in 2014/15.

Posted in News | Also tagged and | 7 Comments

Monday morning cheer – better than David Laws and Pingu

I hate this time of year. I do not like getting up in the dark, nor do I like it being dark before 4:30 pm. Cold weather, slippery pavements, driving rain, wind and all sorts of Winter nastiness conspire to make me want to hide away for 3 months, or run off to sunnier climes.  Maybe one of these days, I will.

To cheer you up this Monday morning, here is a picture that is guaranteed to make you smile. It’s even better than this old favourite:

David Laws and Pingu


Here’s Willie Rennie getting up close and personal with one of Canine Concern Scotland’s wonderful therapets. 

These therapets visit places like care homes and hospitals so that people who can’t have a pet full time can experience the companionship and comfort a dog can give.

Willie Rennie caught up with one:

Posted in Op-eds | Also tagged , and | 5 Comments

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