Tag Archives: welsh liberal democrat spring conference 2016

Peter Black AM’s speech to Welsh Lib Dem Conference: Ambition and fairness at heart of Lib Dem housing plans

On Sunday, Peter Black, AM for South Wales West, a man with almost as many portfolios as there are days of Christmas, gave his keynote speech to Welsh Conference. He called on both Wales’ Labour Government and the UK’s Conservative Government to do more to help the Tata steel workers set to lose their jobs. He also unveiled the Welsh Lib Dems’ plan to tackle the housing crisis by building 20,000 more houses and implementing a rent to buy scheme. He also touched on political reform, devolution of power, the arts, broadcasting and sport. That’s quite something in just 15 minutes. Here is his speech in full:

Chair, I have been privileged to have served as a Welsh Liberal Democrats Assembly Member for nearly 17 years, representing my adoptive City of Swansea, Neath, Port Talbot and Bridgend.

There are some key issues for me as a local representative, which also go to the heart of Liberal Democrats policy. These include the future of the Tata steel plant in Port Talbot, where job losses will have a devastating impact on the local community and on the economy of South Wales.

I have been pushing the Welsh Government to set up an urban regeneration company for the area, to work within the proposed enterprise zone, and also to cut the business rate burden for the plant.

But we also need the UK Government to step up to the plate and to reduce energy costs, and to take action within the European Community to prevent the dumping of cheap steel from China and Russia.

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Tim Farron’s speech to Welsh Liberal Democrat Conference

Tim had already been in Cardiff once last week, campaigning with AM Eluned Parrott in Cardiff, and he was back yesterday. After he left, he went to East Dunbartonshire before returning home to Cumbria. You can’t accuse him of not putting the work in. He’s certainly setting a good example.

Here is his speech in full. He encompassed many of the themes around community and public services that had been much mentioned, but also spoke about flooding, climate change and Europe.

He also had a big plea to activists – get out on the doors again, because “where we work we win” is working again.


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Welsh Liberal Democrat Conference open thread #3 Europe debate

Former MEP Peter Price kicks off the Europe debate saying “Stonger In” is an understatement. We can’t be anywhere other than where geography and history has placed us.

Go home and start digging, he says – not the conventional way to open a debate – but see what continent you are in. Then he talked about how we’ve spent 20 centuries being interested in what goes on in Europe, so why would we opt out now?

The EU, he says, has come a long way since its foundation. Many people have forgotten it’s guaranteed the peace these last six decades. We have shared democracy, human rights and openness, research programmes in which UK universities lead, potential to halt climate change by working together, co-operation in fighting organised crime and opportunities for young people to travel and study.

He asks us to imagine if we were outside. Would we be more able to deal with these challenges. Get campaigning, he says, it’s not enough just to support the motion.

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What’s happening at Welsh Liberal Democrat Conference today? Europe and sex

Here’s a rundown on what’s happening today at Welsh Spring Conference with debates on Europe, and a motion on sex education by IR Cymru.

The Debates

10:00 Policy Motion
PM5: Winning in Europe

10:40 Speech: Peter Black AM, Assembly Member for South Wales West

11.00 2016 Election Briefing Closed, Member-Only Session

12:00 Policy Motion
PM6: Let’s Talk about Sex


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Welsh Liberal Democrat Conference open thread #2 Aled Roberts’ speech Manifesto debate

This is being posted much later due to lack of wifi, but I hope this gives you a flavour of the debate.

Aled Roberts’ speech

Aled Roberts was introduced by chair Mark Cole in Welsh and delivered his speech in Welsh. He highlighted education:

Let’s not forget that the Lib Dems secured the Pupil Premium while not even in Government and have had it virtually trebled in the past 5 years as well as extending it to early years. Imagine what we could achieve if we were actually in Government?

Class sizes in Wales under Labour are among the highest in the developed world. Over 71740 infant pupils are taught in classes of more than 25 with 59% of infant classes having more than 25 pupils.

The younger the pupils, the more time and attention they need from their teachers. We would invest in more teachers to give them the time to focus on each child’s individual needs.

Manifesto Debate

Chloe Hutchinson talks about benefits to young people on a range of issues from housing to votes at 16. She says she’s proud to support the manifesto motion and calls on Wales to vote to stay in the EU.

Speaker now highlighting the fact that equality impact assessments will be done as a matter of course and that this will help to win back the trust of a more diverse range of people.

IR Cymru speaker Rhys Taylor now talking about the need for politicians to consider needs of young people as today’s generation faces being poorer than parents. He is glad to see policies which reflect the concerns of young people from skills development, environmental sustainability and access to physical and mental health services.

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Sex education motion leads to National Assembly wifi ban for Welsh Lib Dem website

Talking about sex can lead to internet filters having a bit of a hissy fit.

A very sensible IR Cymru motion on sex education has meant that the Welsh Lib Dem website, where it appears on the Conference agenda. The Daily Post has the details:

Just hours before the rally to kick start their annual conference the party’s website has been barred by the bulding’s public wi-fi.

It has been placed in the same category of proscribed sites along with hard core porn sites.

But it has emerged the reason for the block is that the conference programme mentions the word “sex” or “sexual” 18 times.

The policy motion – named “let’s talk about sex” – includes calls for parents’ legal right to remove their child from any part of sex education classes to be binned.

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Welsh Liberal Democrat Conference open thread #1 – introduction and policing debate

I shall just start by saying that I love this auditorium. It’s a lecture theatre so I am sitting up the back with my laptop on an actual desk, not precariously balanced on my lap.

I should also mention that this is a Conference which has smashed all its budget projections. There are a healthy complement of stalls from external exhibitors, 6 fringe meetings today and a healthy attendance of over 250 members.

Eluned Parrott AM opened Conference with a speech outlining how the Liberal Democrats would strengthen communities and transform the economy by “ditching the Thatcherite mantra” and levelling the playing field, investing in infrastructure to maximise inclusion and minimise isolation.

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What’s happening today at Welsh Spring Conference? Leaders, manifesto, policing, education

Here’s a rundown on what’s happening today at Welsh Spring Conference. The highlights are obviously keynote speeches from Tim and Kirsty and a debate on the manifesto.

The Debates

09:10 Opening of Conference: Eluned Parrott AM, Assembly Member for South Wales Central

09:30 Policy Motion
PM1: Policing in Wales

10:15 Speech: Aled Roberts AM, Assembly Member for North Wales

10:35 Policy Motion:
PM2: A Manifesto for 2016

11:55 Speech: Tim Farron MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats

13:30 Speech: Kirsty Williams CBE AM, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats

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Welsh Conference agenda announced – amendment deadline on 27th January

rally kirsty williams 1The agenda for the important pre-election Welsh Lib Dem Spring Conference has been announced. It takes place in Cardiff from 5-7 February and you can find all the details here.

It’s packed with keynote speeches – each of the AMs gets a slot, along with Tim Farron – and policy debates.

Not surprisingly, the manifesto and a motion on policing feature ahead of the Assembly and PCC elections. After some initial hesitation, the party has decided to stand candidates in all 4 Welsh PCC areas.

Flooding and a motion on childcare and education, reflecting the party’s success in persuading the Labour Government to introduce the Pupil Premium finish the first day.

Sunday sees debates on the European referendum, a members only election briefing and an IR Cymru motion on sex education.

If you want to amend any of the motions, or submit an emergency motion or topical issue, you can do so by 27 January. Instructions are here.

Fringe meetings cover the countryside, health and social care, small business, local government and, as always pre-election, the Electoral Commission will be there to answer questions.

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