Tag Archives: withington

Our last post on International Women’s Day Manchester deserves Better: Manchester needs April

Our last post for International Women’s day is a video which shows exactly why the people of Withington ward need April Preston as their councillor in May. She has experience of snow much – a care leaver, she’s been homeless, she’s a mum, she’s a carer. She gets how hard life is for those the Tories leave behind and Labour neglect.

Posted in Op-eds | Also tagged and | 1 Comment

A straight choice? Does this squeeze message hold water?

Under our First Past the Post voting system, the squeeze message is a legitimate one, used by all parties when it’s to their benefit.

Voting for the third (or lower) placed party in the seat is, they all argue, a wasted vote. Those lower placed parties will say otherwise, but it’s a fair tactic. Lib Dems would say that under a better voting system, tactical voting wouldn’t be needed.

But in this election we’re seeing a new twist on the theme from the Labservatives, and it’s a bit of a stretch to see how it could be honest or …

Posted in General Election | Also tagged , , , and | 12 Comments

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  • Sonia Brown MBE
    Violence against women and girls should never be overlooked or normalized. When considering institutional abuse—like that documented in the Catholic Church or...
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    It is good to see younger members bringing forward conversations that are challenging. There is no doubt that we are internationalists, progressive and practica...
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  • Ruby Chow
    Well done and a heartfelt thank you on your good work....