Tag Archives: xmas12

The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 12)

Throughout the festive season, LDV has offered our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which have appeared on the blog during 2008. The accolade for most-read article on LDV goes to Lib Dem chief executive Lord (Chris) Rennard, and appeared on LDV on 27th June…

Chris Rennard writes about the Henley result…

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 11)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which appeared on the blog during 2008. The second most popular opinion article was by Alix Mortimer, and appeared on LDV on 16th November…

After Baby P: what can be done?

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 10)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which appeared on the blog during 2008. The third most popular opinion article was by our resident secularist Laurence Boyce, and appeared on LDV on 14th January…

Et tu, James?

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 9)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which appeared on the blog during 2008. The fourth most popular opinion article was by, erm, me, and appeared on LDV on 27th June…

What does Henley mean for the Lib Dems?

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 8)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which appeared on the blog during 2008. Eighth up is this posting by Joe Otten, which appeared on LDV on 10th March…

The issue is not faith schools but freedom of conscience

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 7)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which have appeared on the blog since 1st January, 2008. Fifth up is this posting by Matt Michael, which appeared on LDV on 21st November…

Welcome to Nursery Britain

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 6)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which have appeared on the blog since 1st January, 2008. At the half-way mark is this posting by Chandila Fernando, which appeared on LDV on 8th October…

The Presidential Platform (1): Chandila Fernando – the troubleshooter

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 5)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which have appeared on the blog since 1st January, 2008. Fifth in the series is this posting by Christopher Bones, which appeared on LDV on 12th February…

Chris Bones writes… The Party Reform Commission – taking the Lib Dems forward

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 4)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which have appeared on the blog since 1st January, 2008. Fourth up is this posting by, erm, me, which appeared on LDV on 12th February…

Official: BBC Question Time’s pro-Tory bias

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 3)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which have appeared on the blog since 1st January, 2008. Third up is this article by Christopher Leslie, which appeared on LDV on 8th July…

Opinion: Why we should back liberal Free Schools

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 2)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which have appeared on the blog since 1st January, 2008. Second on the list this Boxing Day is this article by, erm, me, which appeared on LDV on 12th June…

The David Davis resignation: what it means

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The 12 Op-Eds of Xmas (Day 1)

Throughout the festive season, LDV is offering our readers a load of repeats another chance to read the 12 most popular opinion articles which have appeared on the blog since 1st January, 2008. First up this Christmas Day is this article by, erm, me, which appeared on LDV on 2nd December…

Can you sum up the purpose of the Lib Dems in a sentence? (Or ‘The Quest for the Lib Dem Holy Grail’).

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Recent Comments

  • Roland
    @Mohammed Amin "I fail to understand the basis for Samuel Jackson’s objections." Location? Round me we have campaigned against many things because of th...
  • Mohammed Amin
    I fail to understand the basis for Samuel Jackson's objections. He clearly believes in local democracy. Calderdale Council is the elected body with responsib...
  • John Marriott
    Yes, I have to agree that some people in Israel and on the US evangelical right appear to be getting what they want. Sadly, in their opposition to the creation ...
  • Cllr Donna Harris
    Huge congratulations, Roderick, on all your efforts, success and for working cross-party on this important issue! As Leader of the Opposition in Lambeth, we ...
  • John Marriott
    @Samuel Jackson They missed a trick there then. Where are the barricades?!...