The Indy’s Q&A with Lembit

Lib Dem MP Lembit Opik is the subject of The Independent’s ‘You ask the questions’ feature today. In it he tells readers:

  • about his leadership aspirations (he has none);
  • how he thinks Nick Clegg is doing better as leader than Lembit thought he would be doing;
  • describes the Liberal brand as “public-service orientated, slightly left-leaning and suspicious of authority. We’re sort of courteously anti-establishment.”
  • his views on the Megrahi realease;
  • he favours research on the legalisation of the prescription of hard drugs;
  • he’s pleased to have the chance to write a politicla column for the Daily Sport.

  • You can read the interview in full here

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    • Terry Gilbert 8th Sep '09 - 6:42pm

      Good for Lembit. Is his column on the Sport’s website? Not sure I want to actually BUY it….(not least because Geoffrey Payne might see me!) But its a pity more Lib Dems don’t make the effort to get a wider audience. Lembit is probably better known than Nick Clegg among that part of the electorate who only vote at General Elections.

    • I would have less of a problem with Lembit writing for the “Daily Sport” if he refused to accept Sullivan’s dirty money. Does he not know that the “Sport” is full of adverts for prostitutes, many of whom are trafficked sex slaves? Is he not aware that Sullivan has spent time in prison for living off immoral earnings? Does Lembit feel no moral qualms about taking payment from such a loathsome source?

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