It’s Friday, so here’s a fistful of lists that sum up the past week on Liberal Democrat Voice:
5 most-read stories on LDV this week
1. Tim Farron MP writes … Labour’s staggering hypocrisy on the Alternative Vote (60 comments) by Tim Farron
2. Labour party ‘gerrymandering’: recalling the only occasion in a century when a party has interfered with electoral boundaries (49 comments) by Simon McGrath
3. Julian Huppert says all MPs should brush up on their science (16 comments) by Helen Duffett
4. Huhne on Lib Dem poll ratings: “Frankly, it doesn’t worry me” (75 comments) by Stephen Tall
5. Social housing: a home for life? (31 comments) by Sara Bedford
5 active LDV Members’ Forum threads
Public Liability Insurance
Leaflet Printing Companies
September conference – How long should I go for?
The “Sellout!” Count
5 most active groups on ACT
1. Is Freedom served by Killing Foxes?
2. West Midlands Liberal Democrats
3. Liberal Democrats for Drug Policy Reform
4. Say No to Trident
5. Let’s get AV
5 top reader search returns to get to LDV
(excluding Liberal Democrat Voice or its variants)
1. libdems poll (-)
2. lib dem blogs (+2)
3. lib dem forum (-)
4. george mackie mp (-2)
5. nick clegg abingdon (-)
5 recent Lib Dem tweets
>> @lordbonkers Queen drummer Roger Taylor’s first gig was organised by Truro Liberals
>> @mpntod Discussing the question of beer before wine vs wine before beer with a local pharmacist… 🙂 #libdrinks
>> @pimlicat Don’t like talk of electoral pacts. 1st step to merger. Won’t happen in my name.
>> @stephmog #internetforever because making distant friends with shared interests was a proper arseache in the days of fanzines and bugger all else.
>> @lgbtld Join us at Brighton Pride #lgbt #libdems
If you are a Lib Dem who tweets, and would like to be added to Ryan’s Lib Dem Tweets aggregator, drop him an email at [email protected]