Tim Farron doing LBC phone in at 6pm tonight

Tim Farron will be taking calls from listeners on Iain Dale’s LBC show this evening. As the Tories and Labour seem to linking arms and heading off to Hard Brexit land together, Tim will know doubt be showing off what a proper opposition leader does.

Get your questions in!

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  • Peter Martin 10th Jan '17 - 1:28pm

    My question(s) would be:

    If Tim Farron has ever read the relevant treaties that govern the EU and the attached protocols that drive their whole operations?

    The Stability and Growth and Pact and the fiscal rules governing the euro and all EU currencies, apart from sterling, are root-and-branch neo-liberal constructs.

    These dominate economic policy making within the EU, even if Britain is/was exempt from them. They are used to justify unemployment in Spain, Greece and elsewhere to persist above 20 per cent indefinitely. It’s really no wonder we see an exodus from economic failure.

    Does Tim Farron see any difference or any conflict with the neo-liberalism of the EU and the Liberalism of the Lib Dems?

  • peter,

    Why don’t you phone up and ask him then?

  • Richard Underhill 10th Jan '17 - 1:54pm

    A letter writer in the Daily Telegraph last week said that the UK is the fifth largest economy in the world. This used to be true. Nowadays India is, because the pound fallen by about 13-14% since the referendum in June 2016. It fell again after Theresa May’s interview on Sunday 8/1/2017. If that had been editorial they would have needed to m correction, but they did not for a letter.
    She should use a broadcaster, not a narrowcaster.

  • Peter Martin 10th Jan '17 - 10:15pm


    Sorry I was travelling at the time. And I don’t live in London so don’t listen to LBC. But maybe he could answer the question on here?

    I haven’t noticed any articles written by Tim himself for LDV. He could write on that topic maybe. Or , isn’t a “proper opposition leader” not supposed to do that sort of thing?

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