Tim Farron’s TimTalks: Rebuilding our party

Here’s the third in our series of Tim Farron’s TimTalks.

In this one, he talks about how we rebuild the party. A festival of ideas, diversity, PAWAWI, being an accessible leader. “Under Tim Farron’s leadership, there will be no cabal and no bunker.”

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  • Richard Underhill 24th Aug '15 - 3:39pm

    Please note that we should not have quotas or objectives of 50% male / female because there are people who do not wish to be identified as either and who are entitled to be included.

  • David Faggiani 24th Aug '15 - 4:29pm

    @Richard Underhill
    Shouldn’t we have quotas/objectives then for the party as a whole, and work an exception rule in, rather than ditch the idea altogether? So, just to spitball an idea, we could aim for 50/50 male-female candidates, but allow 5-10% of those candidates to be ‘non-identifying’. That (or something like it) seems better than throwing it out because of one difficulty. Obviously, several other ways could work!

  • David Evershed 24th Aug '15 - 4:42pm

    What is the argument for selecting candidates on anything other than merit?

    Candidates who are not chosen on merit are surely being discriminated against and we are against discrimination.

  • Richard Underhill 24th Aug '15 - 5:10pm

    David Faggiani 24th Aug ’15 – 4:29pm i am only reporting what happened at conference in Glasgow.
    Mandating delegates is unconstitutional in this party so that they can listen to the debate and decide. Some of them did not seem to understand and carried on regardless.

  • Jenny Barnes 24th Aug '15 - 5:56pm

    You could go by maxima, rather than quotas. No more than 50% white, or male or middle class, for example. Then it wouldn’t matter if some of the remaining 50% didn’t identify in the same way as each other.

  • Eddie Sammon 24th Aug '15 - 10:53pm

    The party needs to educate itself on personal finance matters. The BBC and the left wing media are out of touch with older people and private sector workers. Every time people talk about the stock market there are always journalists talking about it as though it is an abstract thing that doesn’t really matter whereas the right wing press bangs on about pensions and savings.

    So if you are an older person then what are you going to read and who are you going to speak to? Not those who treat what matters to you as some kind of alien concept.

  • Thanks for the ‘Tim Talks’.
    I would like them on a DVD/CD so I could show others and grasp the policies as well. Maybe follow-up talks to hear what we have been able to do about our policies e.g. housing, immigration and getting the Liberal message out there.

  • peter tyzack 25th Aug '15 - 10:22am

    ‘there will be no cabal. no bunker’.. a laudable aim, but surely the bunker or cabal is created by the people who are in it, when they put up the barriers to defend there special position.. It creates itself, unless someone is vigilant about keeping the gates open.

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