Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #110

Welcome to the 110th of our weekly round-ups from the Lib Dem blogosphere, featuring the seven most popular stories according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (22nd-28th March 2009), together with a hand-picked quintet, mostly courtesy of LibDig, you might otherwise have missed.

As ever, let’s start with the most popular post, and work our way down.

1. Liberal Youth Elections- fought between factions on Alasdair Wood’s A Radical View blog.
The saga rumbles on…

2. “Union Jack” “LibDem Councillor/Postmaster” “sacked” and “ousted” from party for “refusing to serve people who don’t speak English” on Paul Walter’s Liberal Burblings blog.
Deva Kumarasiri: martyr or nutter?

3. Liberal Youth: when you’re the Returning Officer, everyone’s a critic on Mark Valladares’ Liberal Bureaucracy blog.
Internal elections and the c-word (‘censorship’, of course).

4. Brent Central: Butler’s Worry on Cardiff Student Lib Dems’ blog.
The Lib Dems’ Sarah Teather versus Labour’s Dawn Butler: no contest.

5. Liberal Youth: Get a backbone on Irfan Ahmed’s blog.
‘I have had too much from this whole election’. You’re not alone, Irfan.

6. Missed BBC QT? Then catch up now with the Eric Pickles’ slow-mo car crash on Lib Dem Voice.
My favourite story of the week – and now one of my favourite YouTube clips, too.

7. Nigel Griffiths: it’s not the sex, it’s the lying that’ll get you in the end…
on Mark Valladares’ Liberal Bureaucracy blog.
The security risk of undercover penetration right in the sacred seat of Parliament.

And now to the five blog-posts that come highly recommended regardless of the number of Aggregator click-throughs they attracted. As is now traditional we’re using the LibDig widget to select some of the posts from the seven days in question which you’ve most ‘dug’. But, remember, if you want to highlight a Lib Dem blog article published in the past seven days – your own, or someone else’s – using the steam-powered method of e-mail all you have to do is drop me a line at [email protected] (providing the web-link and author, and any tagline comment you care to have published).

8. Why are we still believing Jacqui’s terrorist propoganda? and RIPA and the Great Christmas Tree Light theft both on ‘Costigan Quist’s’ Himmelgarten Cafe blog.
Two posts, both nominated (and not by ‘Mr Quist’), both highly recommended. In fact just click here and read all his articles: time very well spent.

9. Day 3001: Mr Balloon’s Sorry Policy on Millennium Elephant, Dome’s Very Fluffy Diary blog.
“Meanwhile, young Millennium Dome has been discussing the Tories’ sorry excuse for an economic policy, with added Gladstone (but not making a six-hour Budget speech), in which it’s revealed that Tory ‘optimism’ may not have the same definition as for those of us mortals.” (Nominated by Alex Wilcock).

10. Bloody Baby Boomers! on Jo Christie-Smith’s blog.
“Gen Y shaking its fist.” (Submitted by niles via LibDig).

11. Cor! And other stories… on Alix Mortimer’s The People’s Republic of Mortimer blog.
“Mortimer and Orwell gang up on Nick Cohen.” (Submitted by Joe Otten via LibDig). And congratulations, once again, from all at Lib Dem Voice to Alix on her incredibly well-deserved short-listing for the Orwell Prize in the blogging category.

12. In praise of… Dr Mark Pack on Rob Fenwick’s A Northumbrian abroad blog.
“Blog post marking Mark Pack’s contribution to the Lib Dem party.” (Submitted by rfenwick via LibDig).

That’s it for another week. Happy blogging.

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