Welcome to the Golden Dozen, and our 430th 6 weekly round-up from the Lib Dem blogosphere … Featuring the seven most popular stories beyond Lib Dem Voice according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (30 August – 5 September, 2015), together with a hand-picked quintet, you might otherwise have missed.
Don’t forget: you can sign up to receive the Golden Dozen direct to your email inbox — just click here — ensuring you never miss out on the best of Lib Dem blogging.
As ever, let’s start with the most popular post, and work our way down:
1. Peter Bucklitsch was a Lib Dem candidate at the 2010 election by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England.
The man who outraged Twitter with his insensitivity over Aylan Kurdi was once one of ours.
2. Electoral Commission ups to 29 its list of Returning Officers who failed to run elections properly in May by Mark Pack on Mark Pack.
This includes the RO in South Lakeland – Tim Farron’s patch.
3. “We are not going to win the Tory vote. Nor should we try to” by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England.
The actress who played Hayley in Corrie said this, but as Jonathan says, can Labour win without the sort of people who liked Tony Blair?
4. Should Vince Cable have been Chief Secretary to the Treasury? by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England.
Our strongest economic voice should be in the Treasury, argues Jonathan.
5. This is the only scenario in which an SDP-style new party would be possible by Nick Tyrone on NickTyrone.com.
Could the truth be stranger than fiction?
6. Jeremy Corbyn is right again by Michael Gradwell on Politics for Novices.
Bin Laden should have been taken alive, says Michael.
7. How will Labour top losing the election? By losing its own leadership contest by Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus.
A little help from Frankie Boyle.
And now to the five blog-posts that come highly recommended, regardless of the number of Aggregator click-throughs they attracted. To nominate a Lib Dem blog article published in the past seven days – your own, or someone else’s, all you have to do is drop a line to [email protected]. You can also contact us via Twitter, where we’re @libdemvoice
8. A plea to my fellow Lib Dems by Jennie Rigg on Nothing is more important than my egomania (which must be the longest she’s kept her blog name the same for a long time).
Let’s not exclude non-binary, genderqueer and everyone else who doesn’t conform to the gender binary.
9. Theresa May is so wrong on free movement by Jonathan Fryer on Jonathan Fryer.
She’s trying to stop people studying or retiring abroad.
10. Intersectionalism? I’d rather listen to Nicki Minaj by Louise Ankers on From one of the Jilted Generation.
She sums up the idea better than acres of blog posts, says Louise
11. In a crisis, one conviction politician leading a group of eight is better than hundreds who are silent by Daisy Benson on England is the home of lost ideas.
Daisy approves of Tim Farron’s response to the refugee crisis.
12. Why I dropped bags of rubbish outside Haringey Council by Jenni Hollis on Jenni Hollis.
An innovative bit of video campaigning from Jenni
And that’s it for another week. Happy blogging ‘n’ reading ‘n’ nominating.

<a href="https://www.libdemvoice.org/top-of-the-blogs-the-lib-dem-golden-dozen-430-47375.html"><img src="https://www.libdemvoice.org/images/golden-dozen.png" width="200" height="57" alt="Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice" title="Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice" /></a>
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
Bah. I’m going to have to change it again. I LIKE that title.
Dearest Jennie, why on earth would you have to change it because I mention it? Your blog, your name:-). And it is a really good one.
How does one get into the running for this award then… I’ve just started one for my GLA bid.