When you’re out campaigning this weekend for the elections and Fairer Votes referendum, make sure you let your friends on Facebook and Twitter know what you’ve been up to.
Hundreds of people are already using Lib Dem Voice’s new Facebook app to do just this. It’s a great way of building up a buzz around our campaigning – and the more someone sees their friends have been campaigning, the more likely they are to join in.
You get a list of actions – select one and publish it to your newsfeed.
Some actions are of the simple “I have done” variety whilst others have the option to add a quantity, such as the number of leaflets.
There’s a tab for the “Yes! To Fairer Votes campaign” and another for your regular Lib Dem campaigning.
Find the app at http://apps.facebook.com/ldvcapp
There’s even the option of linking it to your Twitter account.
The app is still in Beta, so drop us a line at [email protected] if you come across any technical glitches.
Thanks, and happy campaigning!
While this is a good idea in principle, I tend not to trust Facebook apps, which give third parties access to information you might not want to be public. What’s the advantage of an app over normal status updates here, and what non-public information does the app collect from your profile, and what does it do with it?
Fair questions Dave. To take them in turn:
a. Convenience – both in doing Facebook and Twitter in one process (less useful obviously if you automatically have the two linked) and in prompting with some text and hashtags to use.
b. The app’s use of information is minimal – it records who uses the app (and so can show you which of your friends are using it, if privacy settings are set to allow that) and it records anonymous statistics such as how its usage varies day by day, average page load time and so on.