Was Nick Clegg a student Tory?

That’s the vital question zinging across the political blogosphere today, following the shocking revelation by Tory MP Greg Hands on ConservativeHome this morning that the Lib Dem leader may have been a member of the Cambridge University Conservative Association in his first year at Robinson College, 1986-87.

Nick’s spokesman has categorically denied it: “Nick is one hundred per cent adamant that this isn’t true”.

Undoubtedly the public will be dismayed to discover that a 19 year-old may have changed his mind about politics since growing up; and/or may have entirely forgotten about membership of a student club during the two decades which have intervened.

Thank goodness for Mr Hands’ crusade, and the exhaustive research he has conducted – and how disarming of him to confess to his bemusement at the media interest: “imagine my surprise when Jonathan Isaby of the Daily Telegraph took an interest in the matter”. Yes, just imagine!

Of course, this storm is not concerned with Nick’s disputed membership; it’s the subsequent alleged ‘cover-up’ which will give journalists the excuse to string this out journalists are duty-bound to investigate. Watergate had nothing on this.

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  • LiberalHammer 15th Apr '08 - 1:11pm


    If Clegg is denying something that is true then he looks a fool for denying it. Haven’t most MPs signed up for parties/ campaigns that look silly with the passage of time? Like all Labour MPs who were former Marxists or members of CND.

    Having been a member of the CP is not the most heinous crime – I signed up for a few months in 1991/92 – and I wonder how many N Cleggs there were at the college Greg Hands went to. I hope it isn’t true as denying something essentially harmless is feeble.

  • Stephen, if it’s not an issue then why are you posting on it? The point is the appearance of deception. If he genuniely didn’t know, then why didn’t he say so?

  • Reality alert 15th Apr '08 - 3:06pm

    I don’t like the insinuation that 19 year olds don’t know their own mind and that it’s a normal practice for them to change parties. The large majority of our young members are nothing like as fickle.

    Suggesting that joining other parties youth and student groups is also normal Oxbridge life really doesn’t play well to the ‘masses’, especially at around this the Federation of Conservative Students were in favour of hanging Nelson Mandela.

    When in a hole stop digging.

  • passing tory 15th Apr '08 - 4:23pm

    Well, yes, it is not a hugely significant story but I think it is churlish to criticise Stephen for posting. LDV has a reputation for being a bit blinkered as it is, and if you start censoring gossip like this then how can you even start to develop a balanced view of serious topics?

    What stuns me about this non-story is Clegg’s reluctance to just admit the truth. After all, if you can’t experiment a bit at Uni then what’s the point? However, Clegg clearly has a chip on his shoulder on this issue which is what risks turning an idle piece of bar gossip into something much bigger.

  • passing tory 15th Apr '08 - 5:05pm

    It is hearthwarming to see such trust, Alix. I think it is reasonable to assume, however, that politics was of slightly more interest to Clegg than random Uni clubs, so you would kinda expect him to keep track of what he had done. I mean, how many of the posters here can NOT recall their first election campaign, even if it was some tiddling little by-election in the middle of nowhere?? Plus all the results too (complete with a swing to your party that slowly increases over the years)

  • “…especially at around this the Federation of Conservative Students were in favour of hanging Nelson Mandela.”

    Nowhere is it suggested that Nick was a member of FCS.

  • I joined CUCA because they had a fierce elderly lady who came to Cambridge every week from Central Office to train members to speak in public. She did her best with me, but had rather more success with Howard Flight and David Mellor. I was never in any doubt that I was a Liberal and was active in CULC and ULS – and for ‘Passing Tory’s’ benefit my first by-election was Warwick and Leamington where we increased our vote by a very encouraging 3.2%!

  • See – while we hustings-goers were all worrying about green policy or whether they supported the disestablishment of the Church of England what we SHOULD have been asking is:

    “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Conservative Party?”

  • As we used to say – half a mind to vote conservative – that’s all you need!!

    I can’t see how that at Univesity young Clegg may have gone to a few meetings arranged by the Tory students gives them any claim on an MP who is NOT ONE OF THEM now by any scale of judgement…

    I remember my grandmother who living in the west country always used to phone the Tories for a lift to vote. She always voted Liberal / Lib Dem – she told me she did it for two reasons – one they had nicer cars – two – why waste the time of the Liberals – just cause she took a lift from them didn’t mean sghe was going to vote for them ever in a million years!

  • People go through many evolutions and changes to how they see the world as they learn through experience…i myself have been active on the far-left in the past and dont mind admitting it. I really dont think it matters if Clegg was a ‘Student Tory’ to be honest. I think that if he is being evasive then the reason is that the public mood can be so puritanical and judgemental of politicians.

  • Tim Roll-Pickering : “The issue is not whether or not Clegg was a member of the Conservatives but over his lying about it.”

    Do you have evidence that he is lying, and if not, aren’t you lying yourself? See the comment of Richard Flowers above. It seems, that the CUCA has listed members without their consent, and that would mean he actually, legally and morally wasn’t a member, even though his name might appear on their membership lists.

  • My guilty secret is that I actually *did* pay a fiver to join the Tory association (though not Tory party) in my final term at the other place. I did it specifically to vote against someone whom I thought might be dangerous if he were to succeed to their presidency. As a poor misguided soul, at the time I thought that would count for anything.

    OTOH I did help a friend of mine (now a Labour party member) campaign in the OUCA elections – and it was pretty common then for wannabe candidates to pay the minimum sub to sign up people they knew, often without their knowledge. “All part of the game, Old Boy”.

    Says rather more about the Tory party that it does about Nick, imo.

  • When my father was at Cambridge he joined both the Labour Club AND the Socialist Society (though he was never at any time in his life a member of the Labour – or any other – Party).

    The Programme for Lent Term, 1936, lists inter alia a talk in the Masonic Hall (surely not?!!) entitled “The Case for the Miners”, another on “The Labour Party and the Communist Party”, and one on “Dialectical Materialism”.

    I note that the college rep for Queens was one “A S Eban”, who went on the become Israel’s foreign minister.

  • I don’t know either, but I do know that Stephen Carter – Gordon Brown’s new PR man – was President of Aberdeen University Liberals in 1986-87.

  • He’s issued a denial. end of story unless the denial turns out to be untrue, in which case I would be concerned.

    Otherwise I think you’ve all got far too much time on your hands discussing unfounded rumours – get back to work! (which is what I should be doing)

  • Good point, Stephen.

  • Stephen Tall wrote:
    “It does of course also depend what question was asked to provoke the denial… “Were you a member of the Tory party as a student?” is – as is clear from the above discussion – a very different question from “Did you ever sign up to the Cambridge student Tory association?””


    Well, according to the Guardian’s Andrew Sparrow, Clegg’s spokesman issued a further statement yesterday morning:
    “Nick has never been a member of the Conservative party. He has no recollection whatsoever of ever having joined CUCA and he does not know how is [sic] his name is on the list.”

    It seems to me that he initially denied it because he didn’t remember having been a member of CUCA, not because he was asked a misleading question.

    The problem is the “one hundred per cent adamant” denial, when in fact he evidently didn’t remember whether it was true or not. How much better it would have been if he’d said that he’d attended some of their speaker meetings out of interest, but had no recollection of having paid a membership fee.

    Chris Phillips

  • James Graham wrote: “But it isn’t an unfounded rumour – it is a specific allegation backed up by evidence. Surely expecting an explanation is not unreasonable?”

    The “evidence” I have seen is that Nick Clegg’s name was on a list, and that Greg Hands delivered him some mail of CUCA. Does this mean, that all the people who have been canvassed by your local association and have been delivered a Focus leaflet by you, are members of the Lib Dem party?

  • cgp: “The problem is the “one hundred per cent adamant” denial, when in fact he evidently didn’t remember whether it was true or not.”

    I don’t see a problem. Maybe the reason why he doesn’t remember joining (and who wouldn’t remember, if indeed joined) is that he didn’t join, but was added to this dodgy list by some young Tory who wanted to the committee, like Richard Flowers suggested in his message 15th April at 1:55 pm.

  • Anonymous wrote:
    “The “evidence” I have seen is that Nick Clegg’s name was on a list, and that Greg Hands delivered him some mail of CUCA. Does this mean, that all the people who have been canvassed by your local association and have been delivered a Focus leaflet by you, are members of the Lib Dem party?”


    If you have read Greg Hands’s blog, you know very well that the list indicates more than that.

    Clegg’s name on the list is followed by an “A” to indicate he had paid an annual subscription to CUCA.

    Of course, people can suggest the entry was faked, either then or now, but to my mind that smacks of desperation. The point is that Clegg clearly _isn’t_ sure whether or not he was a member of CUCA. If he were sure, he would have persisted in his “one hundred per cent adamant” denial, rather than switching to “having no recollection”.

    That’s the point I’m making. It was stupid to say so emphatically that it wasn’t true if he wasn’t sure that was the case.

    Chris Phillips

  • Liam Pennington 16th Apr '08 - 4:13pm

    The story itself is piffle.

    The denial is yet more evidence that Clegg is unable to handle any media attention.

    Increasingly, Clegg is looking like a leader in trouble. Thank the Heavens Brown is going through the mangle at the same time.

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