Much delight was shared by local Liberal Democrat campaigners at Howard Keal’s performance at the delayed election in Thirsk and Malton constituency on Friday morning. This came after fighting a strong campaign without paid campaign staff and we enjoyed the success of a positive swing towards the Liberal Democrats from the Conservatives and an increase in our share of the vote. Labour’s claim to be in second place ended in a catastrophic result for them,as they came in a distant third with their vote having collapsed. Of the minor parties, UKIP did increase their vote but remained in fourth and the self styled ‘liberal’ candidate lost his deposit. We congratulate Anne McIntosh MP for winning Thirsk and Malton.
While locally we were a little too busy to attend the Special Conference in Birmingham with our election being the clear priority, we can now concentrate our main focus on support for the strong leadership of Nick Clegg. We affirm our belief that the coalition is the right course of action in the circumstances that the voters have entrusted us with. Although, why Labour and the Conservatives, as the two largest parties, did not even try to make a coalition, is a question I believe the voters would be interested to know the answer to. The media-fanned fears about coalition government and a hung Parliament in the pre-election period are being dispelled by the coalition, but the case for electoral reform, while apparent, still needs to be championed.
We offer heartfelt thanks to Ian Swales MP, Simon Hughes MP and Fiona Hall MEP for their support and encouragement, and to the campaigners from nearby constituencies who came to help, and for those who helped from across the country. We really appreciate the help in making contact with constituents and in promoting the Liberal Democrat’s fairness agenda of fair taxes, a fair chance for our children, politics which works better and making a greener, fairer future for us all, which was shared across the whole of Thirsk, Malton and Filey constituency.
It is not too late to help us, even though the election has passed. Cheque donations to help with the extra costs of this extended campaign that we have waged would be gratefully received. Cheques made out to “Thirsk & Malton Liberal Democrat Campaign Account” should be sent to Betty Denton at ‘Lucy House’, North Back Lane, Stillington, York YO61 1LL.
The strength of our party shines through in helping each other when we have a need for help. On behalf of others with forthcoming local elections, can I end with a rallying call to go out to support fellow Liberal Democrats for 3rd June in South Oxfordshire: David Turner 01865 891169 [email protected] and in Hertfordshire: Tom Clay 01727855523 [email protected] & for 17th June in Wellingborough: Chris Nelson 01536511779 [email protected]
Mike Beckett is the Chair of Thirsk and Malton Liberal Democrats
“This came after fighting a strong campaign without paid campaign staff and we enjoyed the success of a positive swing towards the Liberal Democrats from the Conservatives and an increase in our share of the vote.”
The Tories also increased their share of the vote. The swing was from Labour.
How many of the Radfordite votes came from people who thought they were voting Liberal Democrat?