A new dawn in Myanmar: cause for great celebration

The Guardian reports:

Aung San Suu Kyi has won Myanmar’s landmark election and claimed a staggering majority in parliament, ending half a century of dominance by the military and providing the symbol of a decades-old democracy movement with a mandate to rule.

The government’s election commission in the capital of Naypyidaw said the National League for Democracy (NLD) party had won 348 seats across the lower and upper house of parliament, 19 more than the 329 needed for an absolute majority.

In the latest standings, the incumbent military-backed Union Solidarity and Development party (USDP) has taken just 40 seats across the two chambers. Minority parties won a handful of further seats.

With only 83% of the results announced so far this week, the NLD’s majority is likely to rise yet further.

The power of the military remains enmeshed in Myanmar’s government and parliament. But after half-a-century of dominance by the military, we see some form of democracy emerging. That is cause for great celebration.

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  • Richard Underhill 13th Nov '15 - 10:35pm

    Please bear in mind that the military have reserved seats in the parliament amounting to 25%. We will need to see whether the military is actually ready to surrender power in a country with a very bad record on human rights. There may be a need to change the constitution.

  • Richard Underhill 14th Nov '15 - 9:23am

    The BBC is reporting that with 80% of the votes counted the NLD has enough votes to nominate the President, but the NLD leader is banned from becoming President herself because she married a British man ( who has since died). Changes to the constitution will probably be necessary at some stage.

  • The new NLD parliament won’t convene until the end of next January.

  • A great move forward, which gives an opportunity for real progress for an oppressed people. However for each Mandela there needs to be a de Klerk. I hope and pray there is both in that country.

  • Peter Galton 14th Nov '15 - 7:26pm

    I am very happy at the results in Burma, I hope that NDL will represent all the people of Burma. I would like to see Burma join the commonwealth.

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