Author Archives: Peter Evans

Opinion: A focus on values


Prior to May 11th I had not read a manifesto, been on a political party’s website or looked for sites like LibDemVoice. My exposure to politics was limited but I had always voted LibDem, mainly because LibDems always seemed to resonate with me whereas other politicians, more often than not, had me shouting at the radio.

In this election I was taken in by the politics of fear and almost changed my vote, although at the last moment I stuck with my gut feel and voted LibDem again. I sat down to see what the exit polls were saying and could not rationalise my feelings of sadness and shock when I saw what was predicted. The next morning I watched Clegg’s resignation speech and felt I had to do something.

Posted in Op-eds | Tagged | 24 Comments

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  • Christopher Haigh
    Coincidentally Tim Iredale on Politics North lad t Sunday devoted the whole programme to the way surviving coalfield communities of the South Yorkshire have bee...
  • expats
    You mean the UN whose decisions Israel refuses to accept, the same UN the Israeli president, Isaac Herzog, told Keansburg was anti Israel and the UN he calls "m...
  • Jack Nicholls
    There's a lot in here I like, especially the approach to younger voters. I was fine with the election strategy under the circumstances in which it took place, b...
  • Peter Hirst
    Good if they receive guarantees from the UN and a timetable for it....
  • expats
    @Peter Hirst 10th Feb '25 - 2:39pm.. If the Palestinians leave Gaza what are their chances of EVER getting back?...