Author Archives: Sean McHale

Opinion: the Liberal Democrats should support a Living Wage

The Living Wage is a term which has gained ground in mainstream politics over the past year or so. Ed Miliband has used it in attempts to forge his political identity. Boris Johnson has spokenof his support for the concept and would like to see it introduced in London and David Cameron has said it is an idea whose time has come.

According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a salary of £14,400 is the minimum a single person needs for an acceptable standard of living. This figure includes not only the basics in life, but covers what …

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Opinion: Lib Dems must change strategy if they are to regain electoral credibility

Nobody likes an apologist. So why are the Liberal Democrats apologising for every decision the Coalition takes? Continue on this road and the party is heading toward electoral annihilation.

This apologist outlook has stemmed from the strategy the Lib Dems have operated with since 1997, namely, attacking the government from the left. The strategy must be broadly viewed as a success. Only a month prior to the election the party were ahead in the polls, and although they suffered a net loss in regard to seats, the party gained a notoriety amongst the public not witnessed for over 80 years.

But the …

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Recent Comments

  • David Raw
    @ Nonconformist radical That's a bit more like it, Noncon. I would expect nothing less with your name....
  • Nonconformistradical
    @Peter Martin "The other notable difference with the NHS is that you can effectively jump the queue by paying to have your op done in a public hospital. So whe...
  • Nonconformistradical
    @David Raw "Are you really saying that folk on benefits or low wages should be charged for seeing a doc......." No that is absolutely what I'm NOT saying. ...
  • Matt (Bristol)
    Agree with some of those points, but... a) the assumption of the populists and also of the hardcore identity-politics left-liberals that if you're against what...
  • David Raw
    @ Nonconformistradical "As a reasonably comfortably off pensioner I can’t see why I shouldn’t be charged something towards NHS services". But you are b...