BBC Question Time open thread: 7 May 09

Baron Steel of Aikwood will be flying the yellow flag on BBC’s Question Time tonight on behalf of the Lib Dems – BBC1 2235 and online.

He’ll be joined by the Tory MP the unkind call “Mad Nad”, Nadine Dorries; Labour leader in Scotland Iain Gray [ed please check spelling of both names]; Deputy First Minister of Scotland (and what an ungainly title that is) Nicola Sturgeon MSP for the Scot Nats; and Independent columnist and Cameron cheerleader Bruce Anderson.

A lively debate usually takes place on Twitter as well as in the studio – and you can watch that unfold on Twitter’s search website. And for those of you unable or unwilling to join the tweeting herds, our own comment thread below is open for your thoughts.

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  • David Steel very poor on Brown.

  • Very poor – first he opened by saying he felt sorry for Brown (reasonable but not the opening gambit of an opposition politician).

    Then he came perilously close to supporting a universal national DNA database! What’s going on?

  • I’m sure people here in the West Country won’t be too impressed with David Steel’s support for Government plans to cut hundreds of jobs Devonport naval base in Plymouth

  • I was dismayed by David Steel’s comments right from the start.

    “I actually feel sorry for Gordon Brown.” The sound of Lib Dem jaws hitting the floor drowned out by enthusiastic applause from the Labour party members in the audience.

    “… the biggest world financial crash that we have seen for decades. We can hardly blame the PM for that.” Has he been listening to Vince???

    “… to blame the PM for some creep somewhere in the corridors of Downing Street sending out rude e-mails. How can he possibly scrutinize everything that goes out … I think that’s ridiculous,” to which David Dimbleby interjected “Presumably he appoints the people doesn’t he?” And David Steel replied “He appoints the people. I suppose so.”

    Well done David – a sound grasp of facts and a 2% swing from the Lib Dems to the Tories in just over 30 seconds. I hope you feel proud.

  • Anon 1 – I hope someone takes him asside in the corridor to point out the errors of his ways!

  • Of course, if the BBC was a bit keener on contemporary LibDemism and a bit less obsessed with wheeling out some (how can I put this tastefully?) senior figures within the party …….

    Steel, Williams …. do they think it’s still 1982?

  • David Allen 9th May '09 - 6:11pm

    I can’t defend everything Steel said, but, “I actually feel sorry for Gordon Brown….even though he isn’t doing a very good job” did get a lot of sympathy from the audience.

    One speaker from the floor said something to the effect that she preferred Brown to the public-school bully-boys like Cameron and Clegg. Now, Cameron no doubt feels comfortable enough with his born-to-rule toff’s image. But shouldn’t our leader try harder not to look like Cameron’s double?

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