Boris Johnson forgets another election promise

Well, well. Here we go again. Not content with overlooking the existence of a key Olympics memo, forgetting that he spent £465,000 on consultants, both ruling out and also not ruling out North Kent as an airport location, both wanting a statue of Sir Keith Park on the fourth plinth and yet also not wanting one, and of course also failing to ensure that full checks were carried out before he appointed senior staff, Boris has now tried to dodge another election promise.

By claiming he never made it.

Which is a bit of a problem given that he was filmed making it.

Caterersearch has the story:

London Mayor Boris Johnson has reneged on a pre-election promise that only hotels and restaurants paying a ‘London living wage’ would be promoted by Visit London ahead of the 2012 Olympics … The Mayor initially denied making the promise in a letter to Caterersearch, but when we presented his press office with video proof, he then sent an updated letter, in which he claimed a partnership with businesses would be a more effective way of implementing a London-wide living wage.

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This entry was posted in London.


  • Arguably more important is his failure to make good on his commitment to residents of SW London to rezone a number of stations from zone 6 to zone 5.

    These zone 6 stations are closer to central London than many zone 5 stations and recent fare increases have been been punitative for commuters and were to be ameliorated by rezoning.

    If Boris is simply going to ignore vital commitments like this then I suspect Tory results in 2010 may not be as good as they’d like to think…

  • Spanny Thomas 3rd Aug '08 - 3:24pm

    The guy forgets to comb his hair. What do you expect – LOL.

  • Former Lib Dem 4th Aug '08 - 12:16pm

    [Moderated as, despite the name given, this comments appears to have come from a Conservative activist who has never been a Liberal Democrat. If this isn’t the case, do get in touch to clarify matters.]

  • Hilarious – the only former LibDem is a late LibDem.

    Because if you’ve voted for us in the past the potential exists to do it again: we never say never, unlike Conservatives and Labour pack hounds.

  • If we consider such comments damaging to the narrower interest then they must be faced down.
    If it is adjudged damaging to the wider interest, then the best way to undermine trollery is expose them and use moderating intervention.

    I think the case of the ‘former LibDem’ crosses the line from the former to the latter because of the usage of that specific pseudononymous handle, so in this case in the interests of free speech I am happy with the result, but I’d accept a right-of-reply provided no abuse of intent is involved.

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