BPIX and the mysterious web registration

Haivng criticised the polling firm BPIX yesterday for – uniquely amongst those doing published political polling in the UK – not being a member of the British Polling Council and not even getting anywhere close to its standards for transparency, I thought I’d have another try at contacting them today.

They’ve never replied to any of my emails sent to the address on their one-page “under construction” (for several years) website, so I thought I’d see what contact details there are for their domain registration:

Domain name:

British Polling Index

Registrant type:
UK Individual

Registrant’s address:
The registrant is a non-trading individual who has opted to have their
address omitted from the WHOIS service.

A “non-trading individual”? I think not. Clerical error? Incompetence? Conspiracy? Who knows?

Footnote: BPIX is an internet pollster. Ooops.

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This entry was posted in Online politics and Polls.


  • There’s a lot of that about. Apparently the Wilsons, the former maths teachers who own 900 buy to let flats in Ashford, are also “non-trading individuals”.

  • Clegg's Candid Friend 28th Sep '08 - 5:49pm

    It does all seem rather strange. As far as I can see, Companies House seems to know nothing of them either.

  • Why isn’t someone in the media looking into this? From what you say, Mark, it sounds like a story.

  • Clegg's Candid Friend 19th Oct '08 - 12:12pm

    I see that “John O”, posting on politicalbetting.com, has dug out some information on who runs BPIX:

    “… according to Anthony Wells back in Oct 2005

    “BPIX is headed by Paul Whiteley and David Sanders of Essex University, so yes, it is two academics, but it’s two highly respected academics who were part of the team running the British Electoral Study….””

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