The full conference agenda for Bournemouth is now available online here. As we mentioned before, members will be debating a wide variety of topics, but now you can read the substance of the motions.
This is the time for members and local parties to go through the motions and decide whether to submit an amendment or two, or whether to put forward an emergency motion or a topical issue for debate. Full details on how to do that are to be found on page 9 of the agenda, but, in brief, the deadline for submitting amendments, emergency motions and topical issues is 1pm on 7th September.
As always, you would be wise to take advantage of drafting advice from members of the Federal Conference Committee. Requests for advice should be submitted by 1pm on 25th August.
The agenda also announces that next year the Autumn Conference will be held in Brighton from 17th to 21st September 2016. We already know that the Spring Conference will be back in York from 11th to 13th March.
* Mary Reid is a contributing editor on Lib Dem Voice. She was a councillor in Kingston upon Thames, where she is still very active with the local party, and is the Hon President of Kingston Lib Dems.
Do we know when the Fringe Guide and Training Guide will be published?
The conference committee have aranged for there to be at least one meaty issue each day, pity about day visitors.
“This is the time for members and local parties to go through the motions . . . ” ?
I really hope it isn’t, and that party members will tackle this task with urgent sincerity.
Mary Reid | Sun 16th August 2015 – 11:06 am The full conference agenda for Bournemouth is now available online here.
NO, it is not
The full conference agenda for Bournemouth is
available online here.