Conference Extras open thread: It’s Europe Day and Nick Clegg hits the fringe

We hope you’ve spotted the open thread on the action taking place in the main auditorium today. In comparison, this thread is for you to talk about fringe meetings, the exhibition and all the other things going on around the main business.

What is going on today?

After Vince’s foray into the fringe yesterday, it’s Nick Clegg’s turn today. Anyone who stays till the end of the One Member One Vote debate is unlikely to get a seat. He talks to Phil Collins from the Times in the Trouville Hotel at 6:15.  He makes a speech to Conference just before lunch and then goes straight to a fringe meeting on what the EU Referendum will mean for people in work in Bayview 2 in the BIC.

Given his longstanding commitment to EU, it is appropriate that today is heavily focused towards Europe and particularly to getting the Lib Dems’ campaign to stay in Europe under way. Tim Farron and Catherine Bearder will be speaking at a fringe meeting at which activists will be urged to throw themselves into recruiting pro EU supporters to help us – benefitting both the cause and the party. Our  Europe campaign website has all you need to know about how to get involved.  There seems to be an emphasis on holding house parties. Let’s just hope that the instructions they give us aren’t as prescriptive as this David Miliband document which was widely mocked. 

LDV editors past and present are out and about on the fringe today. Caron Lindsay speaks alongside Norman Lamb, Naomi Smith from the Social Liberal Forum and Alison Garnham, CPAG director, at a Child Poverty Action Group fringe meeting at 1pm in the Blandford Suite at the HighCliffe. Mark Pack tries to answer what next for the Liberal Democrats in an IPPR event chaired by Miranda Green at the Avon room in the BIC.

Ahead of the Trident debate, there’s a rally addressed by the General Secretary of CND in the Connaught.

Justice, the future of the UK, the arts, the pressures on young people and the NHS are just some of the subjects being debated around the fringe.

How to find out what is happening

You can view or download the directory, which lists all the fringe meetings, exhibitors and training sessions. Alternatively, there will be a host of people handing out leaflets to advertise their fringe meeting. Make sure you recycle them when you’ve finished with them.

You can instal the Conference app from the App store or from Google Play or view it on Blackberry or Windows phones.

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